King Trevor's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

You walk along up the cold, snow-dusted mountain, wondering why any king would even think of starting a pride here. Ignoring your thoughts, you continue on.
When you make it to the top, you are stopped by a patrol of lionesses, growling with sharp ferocity.
"Who are you?" One growls inquisitively, having always been wary of strangers.
"I have come to examine your pride and meet the king. His name is Frisky, correct?" A lioness nods. Strange name. You think, now wondering where it could've come from
"Are you asking for me?" A large lion says, appearing from a large den, where a few lionesses emerge, blushing and grinning stupidly.
"Yes." The large king smiles and shakes his fiery mane. You look around him and discover a row of four caves. The first, as Frisky tells you, is for the king only, with the exception of when a lioness in his pride is in heat. The second is for the brood-mothers and cubs. "That one is pretty boring at the moment, there are no cubs in our pride," Frisky tells you. The next is for the hunters, who you mention you had already met on your way into camp. The final cave was reserved for subordinate males and adolescent cubs in training.
A ten minute walk from camp, Frisky says, is their store, where they sell carcasses they don't eat and dead beetles. You wrinkle your nose at the thought.
"Feel free to explore the rest of our pride. We like to say that we're the nicest pride in Africa." Frisky grins, not knowing that you had nearly been attacked by one of his lionesses on his way in.
"I'll be on my way then," You tell him with a smile. You begin to explore camp, happy that this pride was so welcoming
PitaPata Cat tickers

This den has 2 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Astral King Trevor
Level: 1 Branch: Frisky's Decor Store
Stats: 365 Territory: 42
Lionesses: 39 Beetle Slots: 4 / 11
Cubs: 18 / 210 Grandpaw: King Gregor
Male Slots: 4 / 4 Subordinate Males: Seupeullis
107 stat, maroon mane, 6m
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 5 lions with mutations in King Trevor's pride.

King Trevor's Player
Member ID #88242
Joined: 2016-04-11 11:30:30 Last Active: 2024-08-29 11:26:53

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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King Trevor's Recent Allies
Big Boy Jabulani
played by lovleo
Level 11 - 16 lionesses - 14 cubs
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Level 13 - 29 lionesses - 20 cubs
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played by Flurz
Level 10 - 9 lionesses - 2 cubs
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Izaya Orihara πŸ’•β€οΈ
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Level 7 - 98 lionesses - 25 cubs
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played by Little-Coyote
Level 10 - 48 lionesses - 32 cubs
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played by MaplePancake
Level 13 - 24 lionesses - 10 cubs
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King Trevor's Clan Memberships

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