Posted by What Was The Trade That Got Bought?

~Sunny (#29310)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-06-25 04:14:42
Whenever somebody buys a trade from me, I'm always wondering which trade (I have quite a few in trade and never know which one just got bought)!

I'd like to know what got bought (or rather, who as in terms of adol/lion/lioness).

I couldn't read through 141 pages of suggestions to know whether this got support or not. If this wasn't supported, then I apologize for this.


This suggestion has 47 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Ghost (Was Mizu) (#22894)

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Posted on
2014-06-25 04:20:31
I would LOVE this . . I also would love, if when are offer was accepted on a trade, it told us what we got. Half the time I'm panicking to figure out what I got, because I am just like that. And I normally don't notice the new lion/ess in my territory.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-06-25 08:15:52
I like Nekomata's as well! -supports- I would love this to be implemented

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Cary Morton (#36808)

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Posted on
2014-07-01 07:49:12
Couldn't agree more. I have 20+ something trades going on at any one time.. When I get a little message in my inbox saying something was bought, it'd be nice to know which trade was completed or at the very least, what I earned off it.

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2014-07-01 21:30:18
HOW is this not a THING???

I am goijng CRAZY trying to figure out which trade got sold-

We are required to NAME the trade... why can't it just parrot that back to us, so we know what the heck just sold??

Xylax... whar are yeewwww?

Champions of frustrated players, Maybe he will whisper to the other admins- that is a simple solution- an even BETTER one would be to get a notification like: "you sold "cub albino" to "person" for "amount/items""

But for the love of all that is holy- why doesn't it just list the NAME of the trade???


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Drongo (#35082)

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Posted on
2014-07-03 01:25:53
Yes, please!

I was surprised when my branch told me what was sold, but my trades didn't!

I know a bid gets a link, but it would be really awesome if buyouts did too.

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