Posted by "Blood Of the Wolf" (a feral dog rp)

Lotus -CSS- (#20353)

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Posted on
2014-06-29 03:19:34
-:|β€’|[W E A T H E R]|β€’|:-
giphy.gifstray-dogs.jpg"what happend to us being mans best friend?"
"Why do they treat our brothers and sisters like this,"
"We are all the same!"
"Why do you do this!"

For countless generations dogs have been bred for many different things, like how people use German Sheapherd as police dogs or jail guards, labs to help the blind, hounds for hunting, dobermans, rotwielers to guard families, yet somehow pit bulls where taken from what they where origional bred for and used as pit dogs, fighting dogs, dogs you throw I. Pits to fight and kill each other, some humans abuse these loving dogs, be they big or small, then form the abuse of the humans dogs are out down for there bad temperament but not anymore this age the dogs will abandon humans and take care of each other, and they will show the humans that they are strong with out them, they will continue to grow, be happy and live for them selves! And there kin it's time for the blood of the wolf inside them to finally surface and take back what's there, the lands the forest everything.

Some little dogs though the vary small breeds still stay with the humans as some of the bigger dog packs don't alow them in, and they find it safe to stay with these humans.

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Edited on 10/07/14 by Hattie (#20353)

Rawr 🦁 [5.5k
Clean Ferus] (#14454)

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Posted on
2014-07-06 16:37:08

Tiger thought for a moment. "You didn't look mean, that's why I was kind. I do know better. If you were mean, I would have retreated." He said. Since this dog was older, he would have known not to fight and back down. "Mama taught me that if I'm nice to dogs, they are usually nice back." He said, looking up and the brown dog.


"I think I can handle myself." She laughed slightly. She huffed when the Shepard said the he hadn't seen Chase around. Figures. Since she cannot find him, he's most likely in the pound. Wonderful. Stupid brute. She sighed heavily and pulled her paw out if the puddle. "Thanks anyways. For the help." She said.

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Edited on 06/07/14 by LionMaster {STL}[T.P](HWTB) (#14454)

Lotus -CSS- (#20353)

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Posted on
2014-07-06 17:02:56
"Err what happend the paw, brake a nail Hun?" He half teased her, but he was genuinely curiose to why the puddle was tainted with bits of blood, not much but still. The large brute padded over obviously towering over the fae. His tail was midway up, showing that he was not of low rank, but he was not no leader of any pack either.


Nina let out a long heavy sigh. "Where's you mum?" She asked settling herself down in the dirt so she could be at eye level with the pup. Her tail slightly swished from side to side showing her dominant side Temporarily seized and now she just seemed like a concerned wolf dog.

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Rawr 🦁 [5.5k
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Posted on
2014-07-07 01:15:38

Callie lifted her paw to inspect it. The bleeding when away but it still hurt. "No, I was running down an alley and stepped on some glass shards." She said, carfully putting her paw on the ground.
Turning to the brute, she smiled. "Why do you stay in this alley way? You have the freedom to leave, so why don't you?"


Tiger frowned. "She was killed by humans when I was younger." He said quietly. "I was born into a cage, so were the others. There were lots of us there and we rarely left our changes. When I was born, the humans took special care of me, my mama and my siblings. Rascal looked like me, except he was black with silver stripes and Snow was black and silver with white spots all over. The other dogs were jelous of us and we constantly got in fights so the human brought us into a different room. Snow and Rascal got sick and died and mama got protective over me. One day the humans' kid was playing with me and I bit him. The older human hit me and mama attacked him. Other humans came in and they killed mama. I was there for three months before dog catchers came and saved all the digs that lived there, but they were nice. Since then, I have had a temporary humans. This is my fifth one." He said, looking at his paws.

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Edited on 07/07/14 by LionMaster {STL}[T.P](HWTB) (#14454)

Rat {MM} {NHF} (#36465)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 03:39:11
Wicker sat down down next to her spread out body, and smiled. "I'm okay.. now." Wicker told her, before adding, "I just returned to my pack for a little bit, but it was vacant, so I roamed. Nothing really exciting to tell."

He tilted his head slightly, and stood up. "How about we go somewhere less populated with humans. You know how 'great' they act around your wolf looks."

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 05:08:11
Buzzard chuckled lightly at his words, getting to her paws. Shaking herself to rid of access dirt, Buzzard sided next to Wicker, and trotted off. The air was crisp, and a bit chilly, but to Buzzard it felt like a wonderful temperature. With a smile, Buzzard nosed the ground lightly, her nose quivering in the process of trying to sniff out food, and such.

Finally a scent wafted towards her. Flicking her ears forward, Buzzard could just barely make out a sound of clanging metal, some voices, and something boiling. Licking her muzzle, Buzzard trotted forward, intent on figuring out this wonderful scents owner.

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Lotus -CSS- (#20353)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 06:11:20
Nina couldn't help but be pulled in by tigers story, but besides that being among the humans in this state was no good for them,sure there may be good ones around but you can't trust them really. "Do you like living with the mp humans?" Nina asked. Was she really pondering on asking the pup to join her? That would mean yet another mouth to feed, what would her small pack think of him anyways...might might be a bad idea, but like him her mother was also killed by human and it's wat brought on the sympathy she was feeling now.


Take shrugged and looked further down the ally. "I used to be a fighting dog, Undeafened champ ya feel me?... But after two years of it, I Desided it wasn't really my hing so I left to become a guard dog for the humans,since I have no where else to be, I have no reason.... I just Desided while I'm still young I might as well love my life how I want it..." He explained. The three year old Sheapherd Dalmatian mix sat Dow and slightly wagged his tail, maybe because no one ever really cared to know why he was here or anything at all, they always avoid him since most dogs knew about his past and reputation.

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 07:16:21
Silver nodded. "Since birth." she looked at the floor. "I could tell you about it if you want to know." she murmured, looking into her past.

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Rawr 🦁 [5.5k
Clean Ferus] (#14454)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 07:16:43

Tiger thought about Nina's question for s bit. "It's okay. But, I'd rather be wild. Mama was a wild dog and my siblings and I would always beg her about her life as a wild dog. It sounds so exciting! But, we were warned that it was dangerous, especially if you're alone." He said, looking past Nina at the endless streets.


Callie laughed to herself remembering that when they were pups, Chase always dreamed of being a fighting dog for humans. She knew that he still fights against other street dogs who have always wanted to fight. She could tell by the scars and wounds that he comes home with every weekend. "Do you like the humans?" She asked.

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Edited on 07/07/14 by LionMaster {STL}[T.P](HWTB) (#14454)

Lotus -CSS- (#20353)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 07:35:07
"Not really.. They are hard to train ya know," gale scratched behind his back ear for a moment. "Fighting out here where I am from though is apart of life, if you can't fight you have no respect and you have a less chance of survivin 'round these parts." He said befor resting his head on his paws.


"......" Nina paused for a momment and looked over her shoulder to the streets behind her. "I'll give you a few hours.... I have to go check on so things....nwhen I come back you can either come live with me or stay with your humans.." Nina suddenly said, she would give him a couple of hours to choose wrather he would love to stay in the warm home of the humans or risk livening out in the dangerouse streets. His mother is right it is dangerouse being wild, but it's also better to be wiled, because then the humans can't change you, take things away from you and you can just be yourself. Nina got up and shook her fur.

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Iamalion {MM} (#36487)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 09:44:51
Melby picked up a bag, and said through clenched teeth, "Maybe we should get going?" but came out more like, "Mobe shwe sood get goin'."
She wagged her tail, waiting patiently for Chase.

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Rat {MM} {NHF} (#36465)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 09:57:29
Wicker watched as Buzzard started to pick up her pace, her nose connected close to the ground. He raied his ears nd tilted his head, but still followed after her, a little curious as to what she was following.

He couldn't help but let a chuckle escape his mouth. She was always so curious about everything, and it amused him. Strangely.

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Whale Biologist πŸ‹ (#35355)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 10:07:59

(lemme try this again,

Can I have a recap please?)

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Edited on 07/07/14 by Vanilla Kitten (#35355)

Rat {MM} {NHF} (#36465)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 10:11:51
((For my chara, Wicker just found Buzzard. I don't know about anyone else. Sorry for not seeing it the first time!))

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 11:00:17
(To lazy to Italic.)

Buzzard lifted her head, looking back at Wicker. A grin plastered on her face. With a wag of her tail, Buzzard bolted, following the scent. It was nearby, and she was closing the gap. Sliding to a stop, Buzzard sniffed around once more, before walking around a large building, which smelled greatly of food. With hunched shoulders, Buzzard slimmed around, nosing her way across the walls, till she found a door.

Nudging the door, Buzzard snorted, and pushed it farther, allowing her head to peek through. The aroma of food flooded the area. This had to be it. With a hungry lick of her lips, Buzzard stuck her shoulders through, torso, then flanks. Completely in, Buzzard looked around warily, making sure no humans where around, before leaping on top of a nearby counter.

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Rawr 🦁 [5.5k
Clean Ferus] (#14454)

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Posted on
2014-07-07 15:16:08

"Well, if you don't like the humans much, then why do you stay here? You could be raining free, doing whatever, whenever." She smiled. She jumped up so her front paws were in the dumpster. "Why don't you just leave?" She questioned curiously.


Tiger nodded to the wolf dog and squeezed back threw the wooden fence. He already knew his answer, he just wanted to say good bye to his grind before he left.


Chase nodded and picked up a few bags if meat. "If you ever need more" he mumbled, "let me know." He smiled, moving out of the way so she could lead the way.

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