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Posted by | A Few Ideas? |
![]() Pockets (#15819) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-07-06 03:39:56 |
Hello. Just a few quick ideas. I don't know about coding and so I don't know how hard any of it would be but I just thought I'd throw this out here. For starters, I think it would be cool if when one of your males came of age, if you hadn't chased it by that point it could potentially choose to attack your lion for his position as King. Factors for victory could include skill differences, ages of the two, and perhaps Lioness loyalty? Which brings me my next idea. Right now you don't really have to do much with your lionesses. Maybe play with them, maybe breed with them, send them to hunt. Perhaps instead of just "mood" there would be an "opinion" bar. The more you interact, the more you feed them, the more you interact with their cubs, the higher the opinion bar goes. Just because I sprayed my scent and roared at this girl doesn't mean she thinks I'm the best thing ever and will lay her neck on the line for me, you know? Sort of like gaining trust. If your lioness' don't trust you, if you've "mistreated" them, then perhaps when a male tries to overthrow the king they either attempt to help chase one or the other? I'm not sure how realistic this is, just an idea. It would mean you really have to pay attention to your pride and how they feel about you. And lastly, I think it would be nice to actually have a customizable territory. Nothing too fancy, you start with a plain background image. You could choose from savannah, marshland, waterhole, etc. Find items and deposit them, that sort of thing. This idea needs more suggestions and perhaps a little more understanding of the coding that would have to go into it, but again, these are just suggestions and I obviously don't want to make things more difficult for the coders than I'm sure it already is! |
Beledra [The Dark Pride] (#15563) Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-07-06 03:46:58 |
I think that in the stud option there could be good if the owner of the lion could choose to say "no" (maybe you have an albino male, and you only wnat to breed him with albinos, or something like that) And if you want, made it a little bit more active, and "court" the offered lioness the same way you court the NCL. If the stud have success, then you receive the payment and the lioness get pregnant with your lion. That's simply an idea, but it would reduce the overbreeding, I think. ![]() |
Kate (#14720)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-07-07 10:06:54 |
That's a very interesting idea. It would also make the game a bit more detailed. And the pride would be treated a little more like family! ![]() |
RoosterHawk (#14795)
Beast View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-07-07 11:11:34 |
This would def make people stop hoarding lionesses, 30-40 lionesses/cubs/subs is a crazy amount, if they had an opinion people might chase more in order to just pay attention to those who are truly important to them. Which I see as a good thing, less unwanted lions floating around the site trying to get hocked to the next person for practically nothing. If you had to do more to get them to like you, it would take more time, and you wouldn't want MORE lionesses/cubs/subs unless you really wanted to put that effort into them. And I do like the idea of the lionesses helping to overthrow the king with the sub as well, I've been watching Big Cat Diaries for like the passed few weeks and that actually happened in one pride. Two young males came in and the lionesses took instant interest in them when compared to the older male who was currently their pride protector, they favored the younger males over the older one almost immediately. However in ANOTHER pride the lionesses chased the intruders out and were having none of their shenanigans so this isn't a totally out there idea. It's something that DOES happen in prides. I am in total support of this! :D ![]() |
Reign (#215238)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-10-06 13:00:40 |
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