Posted by Upping the food price in MB.

πŸŒ™ Zee | AJ (#11813)

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Posted on
2013-07-21 19:41:44
I think everyone is very aware that the economy of this game is having issues, particularly in regards to selling cubs. However, I would like to point out that there's become another rapidly growing economy issue: food prices.

First, I would like to outline where this issue stems from, and note that the main issue is NOT an excessive amount of food (that is merely part of the end result).

1. To a lesser extent, the food bundles in the Monkey Business, which while gives users something to purchase with SB, takes money out of the game, and doesn't circulate it through to other players to keep the spending in motion (ie. player A buys food from player B, player B has the money to buy a cub from player C).

2. The sales branches. This is the biggest culprit, because it encourages a hyper competitive market for sellers - players can immediately see the lowest price, and proceed to undercut it, the price of which is then again undercut, and so on.

Pre-branches, food was selling, on average, for a fairly stable 10sb per use - you're now lucky to get half that, and even then, food is slow to sell. As a regular in sales chat, I now see food being sold for even lower prices than that, and often even given away simply because some players (particularly those with high-stat hunters) now have an over-abundance of product that is simply too hard to move. This is stagnating the economy further, as food sales provide income which is then spent on other items, such as cubs - with food sales being ridiculously low, the cub economy doesn't have much hope of improving, simply because even if people were WILLING to pay the purchase fee, they don't have the money with which to do so.

Now, as much as I would LOVE to see the sales branches in particular be done away with, I'm aware that since it's become such a widely-used facet of the site (and into which people have put, in some cases, a large amount of money into expanding), this isn't the most viable suggestion. Instead, I'd like to offer a quicker, much simpler fix:

Up the prices that the Monkey will purchase food for (at the moment, it's 3sb per use). My suggestion would be to raise it to at least 8sb per use.

Raising it will help stabilize the food economy by giving it a more reasonable "bottom line", discouraging sellers from undercutting each other out of sheer desperation to gain a little SB - why sell for lower than you could get at the Monkey Business? This would help to keep money flowing between players, and help kick the economy into gear again, as a supplement to the new features that staff are pushing in regards to cubs.

This suggestion has 87 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Renarai II (#14910)

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Posted on
2013-07-21 19:46:18
FULL ABSOLUTE SUPPORT! This is what I- and the economy- need.

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Rindoe (#11670)

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Posted on
2013-07-21 20:13:56
I'm not familiar with economy, but I can clearly see that selling food is a hard business now, eh... I used to make money on selling food in the past, when 10SB per use was the lowest price and it was out of the question to sell meat cheaper. Now it's very difficult to sell carcasses to another players... 8SB per use in a MB sounds reasonable, so I support.

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Edited on 22/07/13 by Chee (#11670)

Lascivious Leopard
(Challenge! (#12679)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-07-22 01:12:03
no support.....might articulate my thoughts on the MB pricing later but I'd be HIGHLY agasint doing away with the branches those aren't the problem and you can make A LOT of SB's if you utilize it right, I've never been richer because of it.

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πŸŒ™ Zee | AJ (#11813)

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Posted on
2013-07-22 01:28:58
I didn't say get rid of the branches.

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PaardindeMist (#7513)

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Posted on
2013-07-22 16:52:13
I agree with this. I like my branch because I can put other items, like backgrounds, etc in it, but the food I have in it rarely, if ever, sells. Then again I don't sell food for less than 10 SB unless it's close to expiration. I think if it was more profitable to sell to the monkey we'd see less FREE FOOD or super cheap trades in trade chat, and I'm all for that.

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RoosterHawk (#14795)

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Posted on
2013-07-23 09:08:07
Support! I started selling carcasses in MB just because it takes so long to sell off my branch unless I lower the price ridiculously. Then I was kind of dissapointed about the low price in MB but atleast there I can get rid of it and get some quick SB... still could use a fix tho. :I

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Pasha (#5512)

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Posted on
2013-07-23 17:35:18
Hmm, just noticed that the price of 6 uses of zebra carcass seems to have gone up again... maybe it rebounded because people were just selling back to the monkey instead of using the branches, thus reducing the supply?

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πŸŒ™ Zee (#11817)

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Posted on
2013-07-23 17:41:34
Could just be the time of day, Pasha. Most users come on later - more users, more hectic branch selling haha.

Regardless, nice to see the amount of support for this; with any luck, maybe it'll be considered lol. ._.

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Raine (#9331)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 23:17:50
I don't know. I'm not sure that upping the amount we get from MB is going to necessarily help the economy or increase the value of fact, I feel like it might help lower the value of SB.

Example: So yay, we are able to get 10 sb for food again. Double what we're getting now. And for a while this enables people to buy more cubs, which are currently going for about 50-100 a pop. But eventually the people selling cubs will realize that users have more expendable SB and raise their cub prices accordingly to 100-200 a pop. Double what they are getting now. So really, the ratio doesn't change as far as how much SB you are spending on a cub. I would rather have less SB that is worth more than more SB that is worth less.

I think an easier way to improve the economy is to take more SB OUT of circulation, thereby making SB a more rare currency and increasing it's value. This can be achieved by more popular sb items in MB like the eye changer, which takes a large amount of SB to purchase but is highly desirable. Circulating SB amongst the users without ever giving it back to the game will just lower its value because between finding SB in explore and selling stuff to MB, we all essentially become SB hoarders and create a surplus of SB, which lowers its value because having a few SB is no big deal.

I think a good indicator of how the economy is doing can be represented not in food or cub prices, but in what GB and GB items are going for on the market. Since GB is the paid currency, obviously 1 of them should be worth more than 1 SB....but 1000+ sb each??? That's months of gathering for new/poor members. And all for 1 GB that can't really get you anything. We have seen prices go down in the last month from 1500 on average to just over 1000, which is great! Meaning the value of SB is increasing...but I'd like to see it back down around 700-800 sb like it was when I started. I think that's reasonable because it is still a significant amount of SB that takes a lot of work to earn, but not so much that to aquire anything cool with GB for a non-paying user is unrealistic.

In short, I'm not sure that increasing the MB sell price will actually help anything. It seems to me it might actually aid in making things worse by increasing the amount of SB everyone has and lowering its value because we all have so much. I don't know much about economy, but to me that kind of just sounds like inflation. I'll have to be convinced otherwise before I can support.

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Edited on 26/07/13 by Kasei (#9331)

πŸŒ™ Zee | AJ (#11813)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 23:30:25
Kasei, food was going for 10sb not very long ago. Cubs were selling for the exact same price then, so no, upping that price and having "expendable SB" won't really change that. We're looking down the barrel of several cub changes that are supposedly meant to help the cub market, and if that happens, and cub prices do go up, and food stays at this price - well, that doesn't help, does it?

I have no issue with new SB items, but I'm looking at the fact that the food market (which a lot of people use as their main source of income, especially given the fact that the cub market is a flop unless you're in the right kind of niche with stats or aesthetics, and even then) took two pretty serious hits, and that really just made the current situation worse. Taking SB out of circulation right now isn't going to solve anything, considering how many people are saying that they have none, can't make any, etc etc. Yes, there are hoarders, but that's not the majority of the site and right now isn't an issue that the site needs to deal with, and is not the cause of the current economic issues. And again, I'm not suggesting to not have ways to take SB out of the game (note that I didn't say to take the food bundles from the MB, or anything or the sort) - and new SB items are going to be coming in, from what I hear.

Everything needs a base price, and the current MB price is very outdated (right up there with the SB / GB converter, which is still sitting pretty at 150sb), and needs an update to keep items from getting entirely worthless. I'm not talking about inflation, I'm talking about getting something back to the proper price point (and again note, I suggested the MB price items at 8sb per use, not the previous "going rate" of 10). And as I stated in my first post, "we all have so much" because... it's getting to the point where it's so difficult to sell, even AT 5sb a pop. People give it away free. The excess is not the cause, but the end result.

I don't mind if you don't want to support it, but this wasn't a natural decline of worth, it was a site-imposed hit to the economy when it wasn't needed. If people aren't earning a decent income from their cubs, why make it so that the income you make from another source is cut in half, if not more? It doesn't make any sense, it's silly, it's frustrating, it's doing precious little for the site as a whole.

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Raine (#9331)

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Posted on
2013-07-26 00:06:13
What you're saying makes sense (and sorry, I wasn't trying to imply that you wanted to remove the bundles or anything, I was just using high-priced MB items as an example). I agree that a lot of the prices in MB are outdated, and I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to be able to get 8sb a use when food doesn't sell--I'm just as tired as anyone else of practically begging people to buy my food. I guess what I just see happening is people being like, "oh. I can just sell to MB for basically what I'm going to get selling to users. I'll just do that instead, it's easier and reliable." And then we have lots and lots of game-generated SB in user accounts.

I know you said 8sb, not 10. I just figured if it goes for 8 in MB that people would try to sell their food the cheapest and it would go for 10 SB or so on the market.

I guess I would just have to see it in action. It still sounds to me like the cost of food would go up, which would be great for a while, but then because it was so easy to sell food for a decent price everyone would soon have a lot more SB than they used to...and so the costs of everything else would soon follow.

Reflecting on it now, perhaps it is the surplus of food that is the problem, not the price? Food is pretty easy to come by in explore and patrolling...even relatively easy in hunts once you get your lionesses levelled a bit. And even if not, so many high level huntresses go for free any more these days I can't see it being very hard for even a newbie to snag one and start having successful hunts every other time. Seeing as you only really need to feed your lionesses about once every 4-5 days, and assuming that you hunt and patrol at least 2-3 times a day(and maybe toss a bit of exploring for food and SB in there too), this creates quite a bit of extra food.

Maybe it's just that the market is flooded with food and the solution is as simple as lowering the chance of finding food in patrol. Make it a rare commodity and, like SB, its value will increase. Perhaps the problem is compounded by the introduction of branches, I don't know; but I don't think we can can blame it on just the branches. Maybe a little, but branches and patrolling rolled out around the same time, and I think it migh be the common occurance of finding food in patrol that is a larger contributor to the problem. To me, all branches do is make it easier for people to see what others have for sale food/item-wise rather than having to advertise on sales chat constantly. Until we have a branch/trade search system where you can actually do branch-by-branch or trade-by-trade price comparison (which I'm sure is coming), I don't really think it has a lot to do with the problem.

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Edited on 26/07/13 by Kasei (#9331)

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