Posted by Boosting stats for Main Lion

Luxor Nautalis [KYO] (#17084)

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Posted on
2013-07-29 04:33:29
Just like Lionesses can hunt and submales can patrol, I think it should be easier to raise your Main male's stats.


Well, for one, not everyone has money to buy high-stated lions to replace their main, nor the 10 GB required to retire early.

Secondly, there aren't many options to lift your Main's stats to begin with. The only options available are sharpening your claws - which doesn't even work half the time, at least not for me - and Leveling up. Now, leveling up wouldn't be a problem, but once you get past certain levels, it takes quite a while to level up and, even when you do, your lion only receives +1 of whatever.

Now, I know the game is supposed to be 'challenging to be rewarding' and all that stuff, but the fact of the matter is, it shouldn't be easier to boost the stats of your submales than your Main. He's the Pride leader, the King. He's supposed to be the strongest lion in the pride and yet, it's nearly impossible to increase his stats.

Another reason it would be ideal to easier raise Main Lion stats is the problem with cub-overpopulation. There's a veritable outbreak of cubs that no one wants because of their poor quality. But, if it were easier to raise your Main's stats, low-statted, practically useless and unwanted cubs would be lesser in quantity. It's hard to sell low-statted cubs, no matter their looks, so they're essentially bred for nothing and often have to be chased. Plus, the headache of trying to sell low-statted cubs or the heartbreak of having to chase them often takes the fun out of them.

Fact of the matter is, you can have a lioness with high stats but if your Lead has poor stats, it's going to significantly effect the quality of the cubs. Higher statted parents - sire and dam, not just dam - produce higher quality cubs that are in higher demand.


Solutions to this problem are quite simple:

Offer something similar to hunting or sub-male patrolling for main lions. Yes, I realize that you can fight other lions in surrounding territories, but the only thing you can fight for is skill, territory and EXP.

If your Main could hunt and/or patrol himself, he can also help contribute to the pride as well as better his stats and, therefore, himself. Stronger males = a more powerful pride, yes? Which is the point of the game.

I realize that, in real life, the King of the pride often doesn't do anything but breed and fight. But, only the strongest, best lions lead prides. So shouldn't there be a way to help make your lion like that?

I mean, there are tons of players on LioDen that have sub-males higher-statted then their main.

Another solution: Offer a stat or two for each win against enemies in the explore board. For instance, if my main, Vause, fights an elephant and wins, offer +1 strength etc.

This suggestion has 562 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Fire (#15269)

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Posted on
2013-07-29 05:07:41
Totally support. I like to think I have a good looking lion that makes good looking cubs, for at least an uncustomized boy. But raising his stats is slow going, and near impossible. And I can't afford to just buy up a ton of GB, shell it out for high stat lionesses that won't even matter as my own stud is lower. So then it becomes a vicious cycle of then having to buy studding from high stat males, which is overall very expensive. But I want to take the pride in my own lion too!

Just kinda kills the fun in that, you know?

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Edited on 29/07/13 by Fire (#15269)

Caster [PROJECT WIP] (#9051)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 08:03:32
Still agree with the idea :D I have a smilus king with 15!!!!! markings and nobody stud with him because he has 171 stat...

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JazzTheTiger (#131015)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 05:05:45
This is the biggest let-down of the game, I've discovered. If it's not addressed soon I'll just quit. I'm not wasting any more of my money on a broken game, we shouldn't have to fork out money to play the objective of the game properly - there should be natural means of raising the stats of your main lion independent to levelling/xp, so he can keep up with his pride.

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Pardalis (#18493)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 05:26:39
In the 4 years since this was posted, it has become much easier to raise your male's stats. Now you can:
Play Baoball
Get honeycomb as a game prize
Dreamboats receive a stat in every category at each level up
Stat-giving items have been introduced

Not to mention leveling up. That IS the "natural means of raising the stats of your main lion." Just like hunting and patrolling are your lionesses and subs objectives respectively, exploring is your main male's objective. I rarely use energy boosts, and then typically just ones that are given out for different reasons for free, but I have absolutely no trouble leveling up. You absolutely do not have to pay to level up to the highest exploring level. People who say otherwise are not trying hard enough.

I supported this four years ago, but I think the problem has been solved. I especially can't believe that this has been bumped this month, where it takes 2 days of quests to get 15 stats. This is an excellent month for stats.

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JazzTheTiger (#131015)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 10:02:26
I have no problem leveling up, that wasn't the point.
It's almost too easy in fact to do so, the stats, are hard to get - I don't want to level up, I want to make my lion stronger in his level. One time I leveled up and got TWO stats to show for all that work I did getting XP points - and then I encounter mains on lower levels with 600 stats?? It's frustrating. How can I compete with that?
My lion is level 6 and despite all my exploring and attempts to raise them he has only 85.
So far I haven't gained skills within the explore mini game itself - and it WOULD make sense to gain some skill after winning a fight with an NPC, like lionesses do after a successful hunt. And yeah, I know it gives XP, which bumps the level up bar somewhat - but it just makes things worse, as the lion doesn't have enough stats to win the fights against NPCs now they're in that higher level range, or even compete with other players in territory battles!
And skill items that cost a fortune for SB that are hard to come by might I add to that.
The stats on level up are assigned randomly, as far as I can tell, there's no room for customisation/choice on where those points go. To me that says it's not that important, where those stats go, just that the lion has them. Which is rubbish. I can see they have a role in your lions ability to win fights for territory/against NPC's.
But that's not the only major flaw with this game, so it's really not worth arguing that with someone who's been here a while and is defensive. I'll just leave for better things.
It's a shame though, the concept was good, but the execution is lacking.

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Moxi (#130995)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-19 22:17:53
Support. It makes sense that your male would gain stats from fighting.

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Karmo (#98909)

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Posted on
2017-12-26 21:45:03
Getting stats is supposed to be difficult.
Most kings get their stats from their parents, and that they level up as fast as they can and get items which boosts their stats by a lot.

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