Posted by Ausie's Ideas :D

saltyFINCHfries (#17604)

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Posted on
2013-08-09 17:55:52
here is where all my ideas will go for the game :D
some may already be thought so keep that in mind, i'm not trying to steal anyone's ideas as i'm sure others have similar if not the same ones.

i think it would be nice to collect so many feathers and have a button to turn them into a decor. maybe every 500 feathers of the same one turns into that feather decor.

item ideas:
*tail decor
*different color cub decor (ex. light, medium, dark)
*tattoos (ex. tribal markings on shoulder or butt)
*wearable skulls, horns, or pieces of a skull
*wearable pelts (ex. drapped over a lion(ess)'s back)
*braids for mane or on females behind ear (different colors)
*blind eye (lighter then the color your lion(ess) has or fogged over)

eating food gives you a small chance of obtaining bone wearables, pelts.

have it where if you win or lose against an NPC you have a rare chance of obtaining a scar item or pelt

when you walk you could find colored mud, bright flower pollen, insect blood
items you can make into ink you then could turn into the monkey to get a tattoo.

You notice beetles flying around you and smack one down. wow the beetle has bright green blood, you decide to collect it before moving on. (-1 energy)

ACCCHHHOOOOO! wow those flowers have a strong sent. whats this, [color] pollen? you collect it and move on. (-1 energy)

Yuk! you hope that was just mud! you Collect the [color] substance and continue on your way. (-1 energy)

You stop and notice blood before you, something was wounded here. You collect the blood and quickly pass it by. would't want what ever caused the blood to come after you! (-1 energy)

finding someones post by user name.
i have gone to find a thread for artwork and know who does the art piece but can not find there post for it.
having a search bar for a user name or ID number showing all posts open by them would be helpful!

if we can turn silver beetles into gold ones why not do the reverse? if not turning silver into gold maybe have them be copper beetles or something.
have copper beetles only shop so people who can't put money into the game can still get special items!

a max lvl attack.
high levels can not attack low levels so make it where low levels can't attack way to high lvls.
a lvl 4 lion can't win against a lvl 20 -.- having the option to do so is a waste of energy.

coat changer.
i have found lions i love but the coat does not go with everything else.
allowing users to change just the color of the main coat would be wonderful.

male to female edit
when generating a male sometimes one might want to make the same lion as a female. (for mating)
have a button showing what the opposite sex would look like is a must. i hate having to go too the other generator and type in everything again. this also would help in seeing what the mane would look like on the male version.

more lion(ess) features:
*nose color
*different spotted/striped color (brown looks weird on some lions)
*different ears (ex. large, small, bitten)
*chin tufts
*leg tufts
*more manes (ex. curly, wavy, super long, mullet)
*different tail hair (ex. large, bushy, small, curly, waved)

marking % and layer moving
an item allowing one marking on a cub to become more apparent or to make the marking one of the top layers.
(ex. making markings move from layer 9 to layer 10)

discounts on genarating.
(ex. if you make two females back to back [say 5 minutes after the other] you save GB)

scraps to items.
after a carcass passes its expiration date you may find left over scraps.
scraps like feathers, skin, bone.
bone pieces once collected may turn into a skull to wear.
feathers make decor.
skin turned into a wearable item like a bracelet or tail decor.
this way people who don't sell carcasses but have to many or no one buys them from your shop can get something out of them by letting them rot.

This suggestion has 11 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/08/13 by Ausie [Kyo] (#17604)

saltyFINCHfries (#17604)

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Posted on
2013-08-09 17:58:00
new ones added

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Edited on 10/08/13 by Ausie [Kyo] (#17604)

Celebi (#13049)

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Posted on
2013-08-10 13:26:51
These are mostly pretty good ideas. I especially like the idea of turning in a certain number of items and getting a decor item in return. Maybe 30 or 40, might be as low as 20... depending on what type of item it is? Some are rarer than others.
I think your idea #9 isn't as good as the others, since we have the marking applicator/removal thing. Also, #10 isn't as good as the others, either. There really isn't a huge need for a discount on oasis lions.

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Reign (#215238)

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Posted on
2020-10-06 13:01:51
ooooo yesss

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