Posted by Being able to buy more huntress slots

G2Witch11BO (#4356)

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Posted on
2013-08-11 11:51:59
I would LOVE to be able to send more lions out to hunt at a time, maybe we could be able to buy say 5more huntress slots it could cost sb or gb. So any feed back?

This suggestion has 51 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Kilia (Milk) (#14807)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2013-08-11 15:00:47
Oh, gosh, I had the exact same idea! Well, kinda. I keep thinking of how nice it could be to do that. A sub-male patrols up to ten spaces at a time; why not lionesses while they hunt?? I would love to be able to buy more lionesses to send on hunts. At the moment, my pride is pretty small due to that small issue.

But the problem I see with that is that it takes a while to send lionesses on hunts. It would be nice to just click a box next to their names (( Like in the Trading Center )) and then click something that says "Send to Random Areas" and bam. You're all set.

Maybe it could cost 250SB a slot? And I agree, again, that just five more spots should be added.

Completely support. c:

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2013-08-11 15:05:27
Limit it to an extra five slots would be fair, yes ^_^
Prefer SB only to buy slots, or maybe extra five for SB then maybe an extra two for GB?
The cost, in my opinion, should increase with each extra slot. So 1st slot = 200SB, 2nd slot = 250SB, 3rd slot = 300SB, 4th slot = 350SB, 5th slot = 400SB. Or maybe a tad higher?

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Lollygag | 3k
Nebulous Witch (#7771)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-11 15:47:52
Support infinity.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-08-11 20:17:37
5 would be all too much. And unnecessary.
I say one more hunting slot rented for a week for SB, a third for GB. That is more neat and practical than 5.

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G2Witch11BO (#4356)

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Posted on
2013-08-12 07:41:21
A pride of 30+ would not be able to survive if only 5 lionesses hunted thats crazy.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-08-12 08:07:58
5 huntresses can go hunting 10 times a day. If you use it every day, then they will go hunting 70 times a week. If you count all lionesses, there is a chance of 350 successful hunts if you are lucky. With 2 slots it all doubles. Dont tell me a large pride cannot survive.

You have a large pride? It has its own advantages and disadvantages, just like smaller prides.

Big pride? You gotta send those lionesses more often to hunt, be more active on the game, or buy food from smaller prides. Your advantage is that you get to breed and sell more cubs, your disadvantage is that it is hard to keep such a pride alive.

Small pride? Dont need as much food, needs less hunts, much excessive food which you can sell to larger prides but can breed less cubs and can sell less of them as well.

I say it is balanced as it is, small and big prides complete each other with this system. If you arent active, then I recommend a small pride, or work harder to keep the large pride alive, or pay for food.

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Motley Cat (#4570)

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Posted on
2013-08-12 15:03:11
I feel like this might make food worth 0 sb, because people could hunt more and thus get more food and thus there would be more food in the system.

Leveling lionesses when you have a large pride is annoying, though.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2013-08-12 15:49:10
Axel, although the math don't lie the majority of people can't send out lionesses on 10 hunts per day. I see your reasoning that to benefit from a larger pride you should be more active but sitting online for 10 hours for a lot of people isn't something they can do. As much as they want to.

Perhaps a comprise to this would be to give a player a total number of hunts rather than a lioness? For example I get 50 hunts per day (or however many). I then get to choose between my lionesses as to who gets hunts and how many each gets. A limit for max huntresses would apply, maybe ten or maybe less. So one day I send out eight lionesses and they can get an even 6 hunts each, and have 4 hunts left over to split.
Then next day I buy some new girls and want to hunt them too. I send out a whole ten lionesses but they can only have 5 hunts each as that takes me right up to my limit.

Would something like that perhaps appeal to anyone?

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Edited on 12/08/13 by Kraft {Kyo} (#738)

Immortal's [Side] (#17155)

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Posted on
2013-08-26 09:58:09
I mentioned this a while back, but I got no support. So I am going to support you, since I really like this idea!

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Aliya (Spotted
pride) (#9211)

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Posted on
2013-08-26 09:58:59
We actually suggested this once before, and they put a limit on hunts per day instead :(
But I would love to send out 10 lionesses per every hunt even if the slots cost X amount for a permanent slot!

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