Posted by Nursing Idea?

Empty (#2507)

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Posted on
2014-08-02 11:18:48
So I am not good at this and I really haven't been keeping up with this part of the forums but I have a small idea so please bare with me with this.

So the idea is Nursery Lioness(es)

Main idea

This idea came to me when I read post about how people bought cubs but never get them do to the fact that the person stopped playing or something. Why not have lioness(es) be able to nurse the cub you just bought? Of curse their will be risk to it.

How to get a nursery lioness?

Any lioness(es) that had lost her cubs (Either to you chasing them or if stillborn is implanted or cub(s) dying from mutation) could cause the lioness to want to nurse cubs again.

Pros & Cons

This would allow Lio-denians to be able pay for the cub and bring it back to their pride.
But the lioness and cub need to be compatible with each other (haven't yet figure out this part yet but thinking maybe some close to the mama's base color or something else or maybe how long the mama lost her cubs and the age of the cub you bought) Higher Compatible the better the chances of the Cub feeling more like it fits in where as with lower compatible might have a risk of the cub being rejected or worse killed *just to help keep number of cubs down and to keep this from being over use*

Each lioness(es) would only be able to nurse one or two cubs and on rare occasions three cubs (higher risk of losing a cub or two)

Another thought

Maybe this idea could be use in your own pride? For when someone wants to keep the cubs but not the mother. So that another pride mother could take over the duty as long as she lost her cub or if she only had one cub maybe take on another?

Please understand that I am still working on this idea and that I been up for more then 28hrs. So yes there will be spelling errors or confusion but I promise once I get sleep and can make better adjustments. Please forgive me

This suggestion has 23 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-08-02 18:10:34
I am sorry, but I cannot support this idea.

1. The developers already declined the idea of trading cubs.

2. Cub trading would speed up drastically. Favoring mass-breeders.

3. Many would like to see a system implemented where lionesses can come into heat sooner when the cubs arent with her any longer. If this is implemented, that system can be abused.

4. If the developers implement the Cub Survival Bar, then those who cause the ruckus on the market would be able to avoid having to do the daily actions, pushing this effort onto the buyers, while they continue to breed merrily.

Just a friendly advice: You could always try to use the search feature to see if an idea was already suggested or not.

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💰Green1Chaos (#32339)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-08-03 18:07:26
The issue that I find is this: Compared with cubs in the wild, they need to be related to the female from either the same pride or from another pride with the same genes. I can't support this because of that issue and like Axel said, it's been brought up before, but was denied by staff.

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Dogenzika (#38867)

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Posted on
2014-08-03 18:19:29
I guess I kinda support it but then again I don't

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