Posted by | Sellers "feedback" system *30+ supports* |
![]() Challor {VV}{OC} (#28957) Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 13:25:05 |
so, I saw the new/updated rules today, and I have to say I'm disappointed. It seems that the people doing the right thing are being punished for the scammers misdeeds. In my honest opinion, it will not help eradicate scamming, as they have obviously proved they don't give a toss about the rules. all it will do is limit what the honest, law abiding citizens of lioden can offer ;) So, I'd like to make an alternate suggestion, in that players have a trade/promise "feedback" much like eBay. HOW WOULD IT WORK? well, I'm not sure what would be the easiest way to code it into the game, whether a rating system, a thumbs up/thumbs down, or a % of negative to positive feedback *suggested by Drongo [Good] (#35082) * I think having a "paws up" or "paws down" option would be nice, plus sort of fitting into Lioden. WHAT IF I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO "REVIEW" ME? simple. I think there should also be a "hide feedback" option on your page. but, if its hidden many people would believe its negative and it may effect your odds WHATS THE POINT? to allow options such as "unlimited breeding's", "cub from my next litter", "celestial garantee" etc etc that have all been banned in the recent rule update. WHAT IF I LOSE MY MONEY? honestly, your still taking a gamble on these types of things. place a negative review to the player, and hopefully help others stay out of the same sneaky sneaky trap WHY ARE YOU ARGUING WITH THE MODS/ADMINS? I am most definitely not. I am trying to provide an alternate solution to the blanket ban that has been placed. If no one supports it, so be it :) WHAT IF A PERSON JUST REVIEWED ME BADLY BECAUSE THEY HATE ME?! well, theres not much that can be done to stop that unfortunatly. however, to try and minimise the effect/chance of this, each player would only be allowed to "vote" once. maybe with the option of changing it later. *Queen Halloween [BATS] (#23249) suggested*: If you have a personal grudge against somebody and vote them down, yeah, it'd hurt them, sure. But there should be a 'total reviews' button. So the person is fantastic and everybody loves them except you, it'd be like 5% of 100% negativity. So if you were the first one, it'd show 100% negativity, but it'd also say 1 Negative votes out of 1. Then, eventually. 1 Negative Votes // 100+ Along with GamingGal's and Ars' idea of having to had traded with them. Maybe to vote you'd also have to comment on it, saying why. It'd be like the modbox, I think. You could reply to the complaint, but also people could also view it. So, you'd have to come up with a legit reason why (if negative). example? maybe? ![]() on the players den page? ![]() also I think a popup message/link asking "do you want to message *player* why?" or something asked by PlaguedRuby (#26260) Also, will there be some sort of limit to reviews or something similar? Because what if someone continuously writes bad reviews over and over and over to spite someone? Or what if they use their second account to continuously write good reviews about themselves? I think it should be a one time option, with possibly the option to change (not add another) *suggested by KimikoKyuuketsuki- LSA- CCS- (#32476) * I think there should be a review page where it shows comments and reviews and you HAVE to comment with reviews. it would make it easier for someone to see if it was a bull crap review because they would not have reasons to support feel free to offer suggestions, questions etc and I'll keep this updated |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 13:42:34 |
Yes please. This blanket ban of things is going to cause more problems than solve any. There are too many scenarios to think of and "what if" situations to take into account. That being said, the things that are being banned are......just no. It's our job to decide if a sale is a good idea or not, or if we should sponsor a decor or not. If it falls through, it's on us. This little rating thing would help immensely. ![]() |
Challor {VV}{OC} (#28957)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 13:45:44 |
my thoughts exactly. Begging as in *I neeeed gb for stuuuuuff* posts should be banned. but to me *selling unlimited breeding for 2 GB* isn't begging. The buyer is taking a chance, but I like having the option to take a gamble and possibly win big ![]() |
PlaguedRuby (#26260)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 13:55:40 |
Mixed feelings about this. What if someone said something really mean in a negative review? It'd blur the lines between "attacking" someone by hurting their feelings or "oh no I was just being honest and reviewing them" sort of thing... ![]() |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 13:57:24 |
Instead of reviews, we could have a star rating system or a thumbs up/down system. That way, you still get an idea of what the seller is like, but no one has the chance to attack you or whatnot. ![]() |
PlaguedRuby (#26260)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 13:59:42 |
Mmm... but what if the seller still thinks that its 'unfair' they are being 'labelled' as a 'bad person to trade with'? Just seems like it'd probably hurt people's feelings to me. I'm not saying myself. I personally wouldn't care, but I know some people are sensitive to this sort of thing and take every little thing the wrong way ._. ![]() |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:05:14 |
If the seller is rated poorly, that is their own doing. Everyone needs to REALLY stop worrying about everyone's feelings. I don't want anyone to be offended/hurt/upset/whatever either, but that's not going to stop be from supporting something that could help us differentiate between trustworthy/untrustworthy sellers and to remove this awful ban we have in action. We need to stop catering to the sensitive people, IMO. ![]() |
PlaguedRuby (#26260)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:07:33 |
Well, I think it's a little selfish and insensitive to not think of anyone else's opinion at all. I agree with the fact it's a good idea and all, but as I said I'm trying to look at it from everyone's perspective. I don't see how it's "catering" to sensitive people. It's just having empathy with them and understanding how they feel about the situation. But I guess that's just me. ![]() |
Challor {VV}{OC} (#28957)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:08:19 |
that's why I thought of giving the "opt out option" also, I don't think the rating should be anonymous. if I got a thumbs down or whatever, Id like to see who, so I could get it sorted out. if they felt it was really unfair, a mod could sort it out? or a helper? or whomever also added an example ![]() |
Drongo (#35082)
Prince View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:13:03 |
I support personally. I think having a "paws up" or "paws down" option would be nice, plus sort of fitting into Lioden. Honestly, PlaguedRuby, as bad as it sounds, I'm not really that worried if I hurt someone's feelings by being honest if they're bad to deal with. I don't mean being insulting or deliberately harsh for no reason, but it's getting old that we have to protect any person that moans about their hurt feelings. "But it hurts my feeeeelllinngggs" stopped being an excuse when people turn five and used it to try and take someone's toys. When you're old enough to know better, complaining that being told no or denied something because it "makes you feel bad" is not really an excuse. If you don't want someone to "hurt your feelings" then it's simple. Be honest and don't be a jerk to folks! Please note, I'm using a general you, not you you toward anyone, of course. ![]() |
🏳️🌈🏳 ️⚧️|Kat|{ They/Them} (#21160) ![]() Prophet View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:15:39 |
PlaguedRuby (#26260)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:16:08 |
I said I liked the idea, but I'm just trying to think of everyone. Personally, I like star rating systems better because to me I like it for the visual appearance. Also, will there be some sort of limit to reviews or something similar? Because what if someone continuously writes bad reviews over and over and over to spite someone? Or what if they use their second account to continuously write good reviews about themselves? ![]() |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:16:29 |
I do think of other's opinions as you do, PlaguedRuby, and I do try to look at it from a sitewide perspective as well. I'm just saying I don't want the fear of someone being "upset" to stop something from being a good thing. I'm a very empathetic person believe it or not. I hate seeing people upset. However, if you scammed someone on a deal and they called you out on it via a trade review (and by called out I don't mean name calling rudeness), then that is deserved and should serve a) as a warning to others and b) as a lesson to yourself. I do like the example you posted, Challor! The opt out button could be good, too, for instances like this. ![]() |
Challor {VV}{OC} (#28957)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:19:21 |
i think you'd only be able to review once... maybe with the option of changing it? would help prevent being downvoted into oblivion =/ ![]() |
Drongo (#35082)
Prince View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:24:19 |
I can understand, PlaguedRuby. I don't think someone should be able to talk badly on someone's den-page over and over. What about a limit? Each player can only rate the person once? However, if something goes wrong or bad, they can change their "paw"? For example, they give someone a paws-up because the first breeding went fine. The next two though, they lost a lion or something went wrong. They can change the paw-up to a paw-down. It can be a scale of 1-5 paws. 5 paws being the best and we can have a basic scale, like 4 paws or 3.5 paws or whatever? No feedback or rude comments. Just basic numbers given anonymously. And maybe there can be a minimum time played before you can rate anyone? Maybe 10-15(so around two weeks) days? That way, because I know someone will worry about it, no one can make a bunch of accounts just to vote someone down or anything. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Honestly, I am a people-pleaser. I hate the thought of making someone feel bad or saying rude things. I'm definitely not trying to say it's okay to be an ass to someone. I'm just saying that because they don't "like it" doesn't mean someone should be able to get away with lying, scamming, or cheating people. There has to be some medium ground where people can be made aware of a player who has caused people a ton of problems and not "targeting" someone. ![]() Edited on 05/08/14 by Drongo [Good] (#35082) |
MaeBae (#8161)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-05 14:27:01 |
Blocked players/people who have you blocked should also NOT be allowed to use that system. Why? Well, if you've gotten harassed or attacked, they could go write a bad review on you, just for the means of not liking the player. ![]() |