Posted by IOU Rules

DemonBarber (#28731)

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Posted on
2014-08-17 09:11:10
Recently, trades involving selling something on a promise were banned, as you most likely know. This bans many things that a lot of users loved doing, and makes the game less enjoyable for many. Personally, I feel that the course of action taken to protect users against these was rather harsh and sudden, and instead, I'd like to suggest that rather than flat-out ban these things, we simply make certain in the site rules that, "Selling or trading in-game items or services for the promise of something in return is not endorsed or supported by the site staff, and staff cannot return items scammed from users in this manner. Users engaging in these kinds of transactions do so at their own risk and without a guarantee from the site that all terms agreed upon will followed through upon." If the staff deems it necessary, they can also ban it from being used in store posts, but allow users to make IOU-based trades and sales through PM and/or advertise it in their profile, allowing users to trade these things so long as topics aren't soley about them. Example:

"Welcome to my shop! Here, you may find cubs for sale, studdings, and food sales. In addition, I offer some other services that are listed in my profile that I would be more than happy to be PMed about."

It would also help to add to the transferring page of the Trading Center, as well as Studding pages, that, "Transfers/Studdings are one-way transactions. The user or users who receive(s) items/site currency from you through this feature are in no way obligated to pay you something in return, including, but not limited to, cubs produced from a lioness, the return of a sent lioness, and site currency. Any deals involving IOUs are not protected by site staff, and are conducted at the user's own risk."

This was implemented on a popular site I enjoy and it has been working smoothly for a while. If someone gets scammed, they are aware that the site cannot help them, and that it was their own risk. This allows users to continue to make these transactions and also makes sure that site staff are not held responsible for scams.


This suggestion has 23 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/08/14 by DemonBarber (#28731)

Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-08-18 03:12:03
You might want to chance the title, is my only thought at the moment. I keep mistaking it for the actual News update, and not a suggestion for it.

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Kyrotonia2 (#2315)

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Posted on
2014-08-18 03:13:44
I really, really support this.

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Icy (#2810)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-08-18 03:26:06
I sort of agree.
Before these new rules were implemented, it was the user's choice whether they donated something, or agreed to an invisible deal, etc. So essentially, their responsibility and their own choice. they weren't forced into making that decision.

It's how raffles work. It's also how contests work. "Give me something and you might get something back, but you also may not." Only difference is, With raffles and contests, someone generally earns something when it's over, unless the user who created the event is a complete douche. e_e

With sponsors, you are asking for support for something you couldn't generally afford to make/do on your own. Outright banning is a little harsh, I do agree.

Perhaps a solution would be to make a "Sponsorship" topic in the forums.

Don't get me wrong; My idea of sponsoring is in no way begging. I can't stand beggars "Give me something because i want to be popular, bawww"
Sponsorship is the request for help to achieve a goal, not just whining because they don't have something they want. I think in order to create a sponsorship thread, you ought to have an idea of what you want, show the users the end result, let them know it is their choice whether they choose to support or not. If begging is seen, it can be red-flagged or reported.

I also see how it could lead to more people begging, though, especially newbies and trolls. I'm really on the fence, but I agree with what you say in terms of banning being harsh.

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DemonBarber (#28731)

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Posted on
2014-08-18 09:48:44
Edited the title so that it wouldn't be mistaken for the news post, Cat :P

Icy: I believe begging after someone says no is harassment, so that is already against the rules to begin with.

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Dunnart [On Hiatus] (#29090)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-20 06:04:16
I support this suggestion. One of the biggest draws of this site for me has been the easy-going bartering system. It made for a relaxed, flexible and welcoming atmosphere which doesn't seem the same now. I also think this rule has created another crash to the cub market, meaning more work for less reward for people who sell lions as their only way of earning back some of the in-game currency they spend.

There is actually already a rule in the TOS that says staff cannot return lions, items or currency that have been lost through unofficial transactions:

16. "We cannot enforce a member to keep a promise in an unofficial transaction. If you have lost a lioness, item or any form of currency in an unofficial transaction, we can assist you in communicating with the third party, but we are not able to return lionesses, items or currency to you. Unofficial transactions include refusal to use the trading center, in-game breeding system or any other method of secure transaction."

Perhaps adding that if users choose to enter into these unofficial transactions they do so at their own risk is an idea. But I think it's pretty clear as it is really.

I was told by a mod that one of the reasons staff have put this rule into effect was to raise awareness that users could be scammed. I think your idea of adding a warning to the transfer page of the trading center would be a very effective alternative. Perhaps adding a post to the Stockpile forum would be a good idea too?

If none of these suggestions are taken on by Admins, I think an FAQ would be very useful for the community in general. If you were to take the news post as it is written literally, it would mean that every transaction other than those done on the spot through the TC or normal studding is now banned. This would include: art commissions, cub sales, old fashioned studding, reverse studding, raffles etc. But Flareon has confirmed that the rule doesn't apply to many of these things.

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