Posted by Sending main lion on patrol
Kayla (#18202)

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Posted on
2013-09-05 11:53:03
I was thinking to myself today how incredibly hard it is to get stats for my dominate lion. My submale gets like 4 stats a day off a few patrols, and my main male MIGHT get one from sharpening his claws, and maybe one from battling another player's lions. If my submale is getting so much more amazing than my main male it makes my main seem worthless :/

I was just thinking, what if our main male and one submale can patrol together and both get stats, like when a group of lionesses hunt?

This suggestion has 27 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-09-06 04:20:14
No support. You are already in a way 'patrolling' while you explore. Your main lion cant be at two places at the same time.

The submale and patrolling is there to give him stats indeed and prepare him as your new main male lion in the future. Your current male needs no more preparation and instead finds SB, carcasses, items and lionesses on his travels and gains skill plus levels.

I understand stats are hard to gain, but that is one of the necessary difficulties in the game. You have to work hard for the stats, and this is why they mean something. If they were easy to get, then they would be worthless.

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Immortal's [Side] (#17155)

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Posted on
2013-09-06 04:22:20
Support! :D

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Everlasting (#18334)

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Posted on
2013-09-06 11:45:01
I support as well. Some lions just have really bad stats, and this would be a way to improve them while ensuring that future cubs would also receive more stats (if children of a higher stat lioness). People would win more fights, which means that they can get more lionesses (if they haven't reached the limit), which makes everyone happy.

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Kayla (#18202)

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Posted on
2013-09-06 12:09:44
That's what I was thinking. :) And if EVERYONE could get stats this way it wouldn't make getting stats worthless, because people who have and breed high stat lions will still have higher stats, and thus more valuable, cubs to sell.

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Carry (#6215)

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Posted on
2013-09-06 12:57:02
I'm with Laszlo on this, No Support.

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Eternal (#18330)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2013-09-09 04:25:28
I'm sort of in-between on this. It IS difficult to get stats....for your first lion. For sub-males, you can GET them with already high stats and what's more, they can patrol. However, as hard as it is to get stats for your main, I am incredibly proud of the 60+ stats he has now. Getting stats for my main lion is exciting and honestly I'm enjoying the challenge. Why shouldn't we have to work for it? Games aren't meant to be too easy. Once they start making games easy/dumping them down, they aren't near as exciting anymore and no one wants to play. Especially the...elder players? Haha. The players that have been here for a long time/from the beginning, etc.

Soo, coming to all of this as I'm typing support. Sorry.

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