Posted by [50+ supports] Improving Lioden for the vision imp

Arthfael 2 (#2365)

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Posted on
2014-08-23 13:24:45
Thank you everyone for your support! If you have a moment to share why you support this idea, please do post in the comments. It may help to get this idea added to the site. Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful day!

The site theme is gorgeous! However, it hurts my eyes and I know at least one other person who it may affect over time. People with vision impairments often have trouble reading dark text on a light background.

My proposal is to just provide a high-contrast theme which makes everything darker with lighter text, easier on the eyes for some people.

This should be an extremely simple thing to do. Only the HEX codes would need modified and an option given in our settings to use the "default" or "high contrast" theme.

I feel it is important to recognize that there are those people who have vision difficulties and need something that is considered high contrast. These people likely use Lioden and other similar sites every day. Some may incorporate outside scripts to "fix" the problem, but this is not really a fix - they shouldn't have to go to those means.

I've also noted that I get no notes when I hover over things. I do not know if this is intentional, but tooltips and notes are what helped vision impaired and fully blind individuals to navigate websites. Screen readers can't read images, titles attached to images explain what is in that space.

Wikipedia is the best site I can find that discusses computer accessibility in this fashion.

From Wikipedia:
"Since computer interfaces often solicit visual input and provide visual feedback, another significant challenge in computer accessibility involves making software usable by people with visual impairment. For individuals with mild to medium vision impairment, it is helpful to use large fonts, high DPI displays, high-contrast themes and icons supplemented with auditory feedback and screen magnifying software.

In the case of severe vision impairment such as blindness, screen reader software that provides feedback via text to speech or a refreshable braille display is a necessary accommodation for interaction with a computer.

About 8% of people, mostly males, suffer from some form of colour-blindness. The main colour combinations that might be confused by people with visual deficiency include red/green and blue/green. However, in a well-designed user interface, color should not be the only way of distinguishing between different pieces of information."

This suggestion has 55 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/09/14 by Arthfael 2 (#2365)

VeeVee (#390)

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Posted on
2014-09-02 07:29:07
I think either way there would be people who wouldn't be able to see it that well. Myself, for example, can't see light colors very well. It all blends in for me and it washes out and I have to squint to be able to see it. Darker text is my best option. It's different for everyone.

However, there was a suggestion with interchangeable dark/light themes. I think that would be the best option for people who can't see one or the other very well.

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Cardéstal (#2333)

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Posted on
2014-09-02 07:39:56
VeeVee - Thank you! This would be an option set from the Den, so users could have it either way. I haven't seen a suggestion similar to this one,thus why I went ahead and posted. I know there is not a solution for all individuals, I only seek to help those that might be helped by something like this. I do also feel it is important to make the site more readable for screen readers, for those that need to use them.

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Edited on 02/09/14 by Arthfael (#2333)

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