Posted by -LOCKED - Maybe you could :O

Kalli (#19902)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-26 01:43:09
Okay. So I /love/ lioden. I love the set up, the constant events, the avatars, the way it's all constructed. Of course it's not perfect, I have some things I'd like changed, but I love it none the less. What I thought the lioden team could do next is make a horse sim or a wolf sim very similar to lioden except with horses or wolves, obviously. :p

I know this may not be too constructive of a game idea but hey, I thought maybe someone else had this thought too? I have been so disappointed with sim games, and lioden has opened up a slew of possibilities with sim games! I know it could be years down the road, but I think it would be amazing. Say, if they did the horse sim, then there would be the lead stallion, instead of a king, and then a herd of mares he has claimed. Same with wolves. This could be stupid, but I think it would be awesome for them to expand in those directions. 8D

This suggestion has 121 supports and 15 NO supports.

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Khavassa (#32250)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-26 01:49:15
There is a horse sim game like this.... its called Howrse.

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)(ROM) (#36415)

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Posted on
2014-08-26 01:52:30
I don't like that horse game... I think they should make one

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Fascade [PnR] [590+] (#32786)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-26 01:52:37
But you don't have a main stallion or the many different markings. Just breeds which is less interesting. It's basically the same, and it might be an obstacle to make this many markings for so many breeds of horses. But I do agree that they could make another 'version' of Howrse. Which turns more to how Lioden sticks together.

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Edited on 26/08/14 by Fascade [PnR] [560+] (#32786)

Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-08-26 02:20:18
I think the staff should handle a single site.

LioDen is still in Beta and still needs improvement, regardless of how epic it already it. It's a lot for the staff to handle a single site already bursting with 42,527 total players. Unless they hire many new staff members and find more artists who can copy Xylax's skill I really don't think they can handle it. Sorry staff XD
Not bustin' on you, but everyone has a limit. LioDen should be at least released out of Beta before expanding sister sites.

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Kalli (#19902)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-26 11:29:26
Cat- I know, I was just saying that maybe one day they could make "sister" sites :3 it would be cool, in my opinion!
Inchy- howrse is so boring. I think the staff of lioden would do a much better job.
Fascade-unless howrse has made some major changes since the last time I've played it, lioden staff could do a much better job to better suite my interests xD
Wolfqueen- I think so too 8D even if it's years and years down the road.

P.s. idk why but all my topics are double posting o.o anyone else experiencing that?

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Edited on 27/08/14 by Varnor [100SB shop!] (#19902)

Toast (#17705)

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Posted on
2014-08-26 15:53:22
Admin edit - due to content not allowed on Lioden: please don't discuss other web-browsing sim games!

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Chaotic Heart (#121037)

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Posted on
2017-10-12 21:02:11
I have played a few different games(this is most likely better not said) there was this wolf game I used to play which was similar to this. They had sister games including a horse game and a dragon one. I will not leak the names of these as I don't really wish to be in trouble here. However, I do think that the Lioden Staff would do a better job if they did do this. As I recall, the wolf game's explore system wasn't the best. You would basically have to beat all the enemies(there would be a set amount) as well as hunt the pret and discover all the squares. You would have a set amount of 30 paces you could take per day and this(I dont think) was the best idea. With Lioden, I believe the staff would be able to make a much more interesting game if they were to make a wolf game.

At the same time, I don't think we should pressure them. They too have their own lives when they are not working on this game and I am sure they get stressed out enough with this game as it is.

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Karmo (#98909)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 20:30:18
I know this is old, but Abbey has made a horse sim game before ^^

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-01-04 18:21:21
It would be really cool if there was another game made by the people who put together Lioden (and @Chaotic Heart I know which three games you mean and I've tried the wolf one a few times but just never liked it enough to keep playing), but Lioden took years of being put together and many, many bug fixes and art and changes and updates were involved and since Lioden has progressed to become such a good game by now we would all be disappointed if they were to make another game because all those originally fixed bugs would be back, tweaks would not be there, etc. Honestly even though we would probably appreciate another game as cool as this one there is a lot of work that needs doing around Lioden-- mods and admins need to be watxhing out for rulebreaking, they need to help users in the modbox/helper hub, they need to code new things in the game as well as fix bugs and they need to manage all of or suggestions/activity. It'd be too much to handle alongside a whole new game that doubles their workload.

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Noctuema (#77984)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-27 05:31:20
I think the lioden team should be focusing on one game at a time; pet sims are really labors of love, and a site as big as lioden is a lot of work. There’s tons of pet sites out there to explore and play on already, too.

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(she/her)� (#160662)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-01-29 11:16:55
they must've listend cuz Wolvden is coming soooooon!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

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Void (They/Them) (#198072)

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Posted on
2020-04-01 20:44:49
Little do they know... lol

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smileymittens [g1
albino] (#230008)

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Posted on
2021-03-13 19:51:51
eh lioden is better than wolvden

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