Posted by Decoration - small critters
Quit (delete account
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Posted on
2013-09-21 06:15:14
With the awesome new RPG elements introduced to explore, Ive felt a growing need to keep some of those adorable little critters you can encounter during your travels! Seeing how lions can interact with them in a friendly way now, it's be cute if Good karma lions could, during kind interaction, gain a critter's friendship and recieve it as an equipable item. Id personally simply die for those zorillas. <3 And they all already have a rather beautiful art, too!

So, here's my suggestion:
"Good" karma lions have a random chance to get a critter to "befriend" them after a Good karma interaction, getting it as an equipable item.
Something like "Zorilla sniffs your lion's paw and decides you're not dangerous! It decides to follow you to your territory."

If you dont like the idea of a "pet", you can always consider it a scenery element, just like the infant cub item. It doesnt mean your lion's got a cub that never grows, it's just a scenery element - representing "one of your lion's cubs". Just like that, a small critter sitting somewhere could always represent "just a little critter your lion is passing by" that is living on your territory. I think it would be a nice customisation element for representing your lion's territory inhabitants.

This suggestion has 137 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/10/13 by Nanorat (#7870)

Ronnie J (#1393)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2013-09-21 06:23:18
I like this idea, though not realistic it would be rather fun.

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Galaka ~LAWS~ <3
MB Hot C's (#14810)

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Posted on
2013-09-21 06:25:30
Me likey 8D

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2013-09-21 06:29:00
Maybe, because some people want to have evil lions, if you have an evil lion you could choose to stalk it or whatever, and capture it and use it for equip?

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Kamau (#16726)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2013-09-21 07:29:59
Maybe evil lions would be able to kill things and equip their skulls, bones, or pelts instead?

[obviously, items can still be traded; a good lion could trade a pet for a pelt, and vice versa]

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2013-09-21 17:09:45
I'd need more convincing for this to gain my support, it's incredibly unrealistic, of course I notice that this game isn't the most realistic but still. Lions are quite friendly-ish, but they have their standards and think about it, if the lion happened to get hungry, since these are wild lions, it would probably just eat its friend, even if it was a Supreme King of all Goodness! once that belly rumbles BFF goes on the BBQ.

And why would an evil lion want a "pet", it's evil.

I'm not trying to be offensive I just don't like the idea very much, I know lions can be friendly, but as a wild lion, when the time calls having a little Aardwolf just sitting around would be the quickest way to filling that empty space.

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Quit (delete account
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Posted on
2013-09-21 18:08:24
The game already suggests unrealistic degree of lion being friendly towards other animals - take the aformentioned zorilla interaction. The lion has an option to share it's food with a critter, and gets something in exchange. It's not something that could possibly happen in real life! And the cub interaction, a lion would never play with another pride's cub. So I dont see pets being much more unrealistic than the game already is.

Not as much as a never-growing infant cub on your lion's front paws, at least. Or a never flying butterfly. The lion's image is static, so it could just mean the lion passed by some small critter when the picture was taken if some animal sits next to it. You dont have to consider it a "pet" if you dont like the idea - just a scenery element. Which is realistic too, lions dont normally kill anything they can reach - they prefer to hunt for certain food of their choice, and many animals often roam around lions without fear of being eaten.

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Edited on 22/09/13 by Nanorat (#7870)

ZIППΣЯ (#17011)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2013-09-22 13:15:16
Perhaps to make it more realistic we can call them slaves or simply meals and once the lion that owns gets even just 10% hungry they eat them? I support either way though!

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Quit (delete account
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Posted on
2013-09-22 21:38:06
One could always consider a critter item just a toy your lion caught to chase when bored. ;)

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Edited on 23/09/13 by Nanorat (#7870)

Graciegra (#3127)

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Posted on
2013-09-23 08:19:28

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Moon Willow (#11413)

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Posted on
2013-09-23 08:26:09
It's actually semi realistic. There have been proven occurances of lioness adopting impala/gazelle/wildebeest fawns/calves. Sometimes little critters are tolerated, especially weaver birds and any other birds that pick off ticks and bugs. :)

I do like this idea, and if it was realized, I think there should be more details/specifics about it.

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Gennysis (#5324)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2013-09-24 23:54:20
I was literally going to state what has been said above about the cases of lionesses adopting offspring of other animals as there own.

Here's my two cents:
Good Lions:
own set of possible critters
interactions may cause critter to 'stick around'this could be because you've saved it from something etc and it now counts you as safe. (keep your friends close)

Evil Lions:
Own set of possible critters
interactions may cause critter to to become angry at you and deliberately stick around to cause mischief (but keep your enemies closer)

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-10-13 22:39:21
No support. I see no use of this. I would like to keep that tiny little itty bitty realism this game still retained. Could we please keep it? Thank you...

And basically... It was said that being good or bad doesnt give any advantage to any sides, so it isnt more worth to be a good lion or a bad one. I wonder why good lions would get a new decor though while the evil lions wouldnt. So, how is it with the fairness again?

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Quit (delete account
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Posted on
2013-10-13 22:59:26
The evil lions could get a different kind of decor, like pelts and carcasses of the killed critters, it's already been suggested in other topic! And I dont see how a never-growing infant cub sitting on your lion's front paws (an already existing item) is more realisitc than a scenery element animal. ;) You dont have to consider it a "pet", it could just be a random animal sitting on the background - it's not really realistic for lions being THE only animals in your territory, isnt it? There always are small animals living next to lions, that are not afraid to come closer when lions arent hungry. So if your lion can be displayed over various backgrounds, they can wear flowers and feathers on them, so why not show some surrounding animals?

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Edited on 14/10/13 by Nanorat (#7870)

Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-10-14 03:02:43
I am well aware of that, but at least that is a lion and not an animal that wouldnt even dare to go near a lion, let alone stay as a pet.

This is also why I said that we should at the very least try to keep that tiny little realism we have in the game. It is not much, but how about working on keeping that?

Pets would be absolutely a big blow. At least for me. If you really want to adopt a pet, go to an adoptable site and adopt one. This game already became a kitty breeding game. I would hate if this also became now an adoptable site as well. In my eyes its reputation would sink below helpless.

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Quit (delete account
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Posted on
2013-10-14 03:30:04
From what you sound like you misunderstood my suggestion, I dont mean a "pet" as in "actual pet" - I mean an equipable item for your lion, a decoration, like butterflies in the shop right now, just small critters like a mongoose or a zorilla. An item to equip on your lion, not an external "pet"!

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Edited on 14/10/13 by Nanorat (#7870)

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