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Posted by | LioDen Gallery |
![]() Sweeft (#26885) Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-03-04 14:41:06 |
We all know how we can sit for hours looking at how our cubbins will look like when they grow up? I know I have, and sometimes, when I have a cubbin I want to save the preview of, I have to go through a bunch of annoying stuff, like making a screenshot, cropping it, saving it to a folder, etc. And when it comes to sharing it on LioDen, things get irritating :I I am a very busy person in real life, I have to keep up with the loads of homework I am given, drawing, animating, and writing a book at the same time and I cherish every minute of my life. LioDen is a relaxation website for me ,but when it comes to pictures of cubbins when they grow up, I'm not resting AND I'm losing valuable time. So I don't even start wasting time by saving all of them , but the next time I want to look at the cubbin's looks, I have to pay SB and at this point I have them notoriously low. So I came up with this humble little idea that will help people like me and other players in general ^^ I have had an idea that, maybe we could add a few buttons around LioDen that would automatically "save" a picture to a new section called, the Gallery. In the Gallery, you can show off your sale cubbins' looks when they grow up, showcase your art, and post memory snapshots of your Queen when she was just a cub. Basically, a whole bunch of crazy fun stuff! The player would have two categories in the Gallery; the Profile Gallery, and the Journal Gallery. The profile gallery, of course ,is the gallery you show off to the visiting lions in your territory. Nothing complicated, simple plain ol' public gallery. The player has the option of getting the pictures from the journal gallery, their computer, pictures of their pride members or the scrying stone images. The journal gallery is a little different; it is located inside the journal, and only the logged user can see the pictures inside. Also , whenever the player wants to, he/she can upload a picture in their journal gallery to the profile gallery aka "publish" it. The players are allowed to upload from their computer UNDER THE CONDITION THAT IT IS THEIR WORK. To minimize art theft, if a player sees their work on another account gallery, a "Report" button should be available. After clicking it, the player should provide some kind of proof that it is their work being stolen and not them trying to steal someone's art by reporting it. Ya know what I'm sayin'? :I Also if it is found out for the player to be reporting out of hate, profit or to claim artwork that isn't theirs, there should be somekind of punishment for that. Maybe freeze heir account for a while? [: I dunno. I'm not sure if this should be included, but okay,I'll post it just in case :I Another small section, called Favorites would be added. Favorites would work like bookmarks for the pictures and galleries. The lions from your pride (even the cubs) would have a button somewhere in their personal info to save their picture to one of the user's galleries (the public or private one) Plus, the players could now save a picture from the scrying stone to their gallery through a button that will appear next to the picture you just paid for. To finish this off, the pictures would have the following features/buttons on them: - Description - ID - Comment (button) - Favorite (button (optional)) - Bookmark (button) - Contact (button) Now to round this off, here are my Pros and Cons and solutions suggested by other users (and me) Pros: - Fun putting your screens/images - Advertisement of your art sales/cub sales without annoying anyone - Entertainment for bored people visiting your territory Cons: - Art theft might happen :( - People reporting other people for art theft to claim art :( Suggestions: none yet I appreciate all the support! Thanks for reading! ^^ |
Echo (#15480)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-03-06 13:08:19 |
This would not work for lions as the lion images in the game are actually layers [like, each mark is a layer, the eyes, etc.] that Xy created, there isn't a legit "image" as there would be 150,000+ lion images crammed into a server. I think an art gallery would be cool, but some people are not artists and I feel like this may annoy them. ![]() |
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