Posted by infertile males

Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 22:41:11
ok so me and my partner was sitting looking at our dog reggie, my partner then said do you think they would do a very rare mutation for a male lion to be infertile.

i just want your opinions on this guys as this would be a cerry good one to have lol

ok so fluffypotato said this "Your idea made me think of another idea!
How about, instead of the mutation making them infertile, it makes the lion becomes less fertile. So, it will have a lower chance of impregnating a female, but mutation chances increase? Then, the lion won't be completely useless, and I think there might be a demand from mutation breeders for them. :p"

this is a better idea then my own so come on guys jup on and see if we can do this

This suggestion has 13 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/09/14 by onyxius (#38876)

ta;zᥲrd (#23142)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 22:51:20
Don't support,

I'd just end up chucking them in a bin xD as useless to be a main lion as then all they will do is just sit there and eat o.O what if it was a super nice lion....

It cant have kids then..... right?

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 22:53:11
lol right

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 22:55:23
its mainly for the mutation collectors

i would happily have an infertile male in my den lol

but then you could have it like an infertile female feed it berries

and they give a higher chance of a mutation when bred with a infertile lioness

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Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 22:55:35
I kinda don't see the point .-.

They'd have to be submale only, as you couldn't have an infertile lion as king, and you wouldn't be able to use them as stat pigs, as you can't retire into a mutation... Maybe some people would like them, but I don't personally see the point in keeping extra subs around just to look pretty >.<" *hides two spare subs* They hang around for when the cub mortality is introduced xD

Also, at what stage would that show up, adult? People would likely be quite annoyed if they'd already spent GB customising their heir only to find that he was infertile when he hit 2yo :/

I personally see infertile lions as as useless as eyeless ones, except that I'm assuming there wouldn't be the warning from birth that they would be useless >.<"

And sorry if that's a bit harsh ^^" just trying to put it as concisely as possible D:

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 22:58:03
there would be a warning from birth like with the females

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Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 22:59:17
But knowing that a cub is infertile from birth doesn't really make sense ^^"

Like, realistically.

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 23:01:33
no but as i said you could use the berries or buy the vuka vuka for the males and again makes the chances of mutations higher like with the lionesses

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Snowball's Side (#29637)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-17 23:06:07
Your idea made me think of another idea!
How about, instead of the mutation making them infertile, it makes the lion becomes less fertile. So, it will have a lower chance of impregnating a female, but mutation chances increase? Then, the lion won't be completely useless, and I think there might be a demand from mutation breeders for them. :p

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 23:12:07
thats is a really good idea i have put it up with my own and have put your name on the idea :)

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