Posted by "No support" Button

Stroup~! (#84)

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Posted on
2013-11-11 02:28:52
Currently we only have a support button when we suggest something which is wonderful but at the same time unless people are posting that they don't support and even then that won't be noticed when the post is only counting supports.

I suggest that to make it fair a button of the same caliber be added for those who want to vote that they do not support the suggestion at hand.

This suggestion has 83 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Nynke {6 special
mark maroon} (#12504)

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Posted on
2013-11-11 02:30:28
That is so ironic xD
Clicking "I support" for a "No Support" button xD

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Nkanyezi (#21486)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-11-11 08:10:55
Love the idea!

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🥀 (#12402)

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Posted on
2013-11-12 00:46:37
No support!! :D
no wait i mean i support the 'no support' x3

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-11-12 02:48:26
This was once suggested, and there were rather many thoughts against it.
I will list you a few:

1. A positive feedback doesnt exactly change your views of a generally good idea, and you will still read it. However if there are many 'No support' votes, people will just look at the count and will think of the idea negatively already, not giving it a chance at all, or will read it already with a negative point. Even if the idea is good in general, it can quickly be destroyed by just the negative votes.

2. Trolls and bullies will go about and vote negatively against ideas they dont even read or start picking on specific users and basically destroy their chances to have their ideas accepted. I know trolls are everywhere, but let's not give power into their 'paws' here.

3. The devs put in the 'support' button to see which ideas are the most popular and how many would accept them, wanting to see which ones are liked and need to be considered, and NOT which ones are not liked. Those simply dont have as many supports is all.

4. The 'Support' button already took away the majority of the comments, many dont even tell us why they like the idea and what they like about it, simply press the support button. Now, the 'No Support' button would do the exact same thing. No one will comment what they dont like about the idea and why, cutting communication between the author and the community. The author might never have the chance to know why the people dont like their idea, leaving them wondering. They cant fix it because it is easier to press the 'No Support' button, than giving a review of why you dont support it.

5. Many in the other thread complained that supporters dont have to comment, while non-supporters have to expose themselves and comment, making shy members back away from it. Well, if you are a shy person, then simply dont support the idea, and no need to comment. There ya go, one less support for the idea.

6. Non-supporting comments are needed for communication. Maybe you dont like an idea or dont understand it, then you comment and the author can explain it to you or even go as far as convincing you why the idea would be in the benefit of the game. This communication would be lost between the author and the community.

7. As for the lack of comments, no one who supports needs to truly comment and repeat what the author wrote in the first post... That would be like a broken record, always saying the same. However as non-supporter you have to point out the flaw in the idea, explain your own points to the author and the community, prove them why it isnt good for the game. If you just press a button, the devs wont know why you thought the idea is bad. Because the devs do look at the negative critique and consider them, this way they see why the idea would be bad and can make changes. If these comments lack because of the 'No Support' button, then they cant truly use these 'No Supports' for anything. They need your exact feedback why you think the idea isnt suitable.

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PaardindeMist (#7513)

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Posted on
2014-02-25 21:55:55
Perhaps they could have a pop-up with the no-support button, and have both of the support counts hidden?

Player One clicks "support" and has the option to leave a comment or explanation of the support, or a breakdown of which parts they specifically like vs which ones they're less fond of.

Player Two clicks "no support" and has the option to leave a comment or explanation of the lack of support and/or a breakdown of why they don't think it'll work.

The counts are kept private, and the votes more accurately display how the site as a whole feels, instead of just the number of people who click support. There are nearly 29,000 accounts on this game, yet ideas with only 400-500 supports get implemented, and I think that a lot of people take the "I don't like it but I don't feel like telling everyone why in case someone is nasty to me" route when it comes to ideas that a lot of people might not like.

Mods and admins would be able to see the numbers of supports vs no supports, as well as the person who clicked the button, much like it is now, but instead of worrying about negative numbers swaying the vote, people have a truly anonymous option for voting.

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Edited on 26/02/14 by PaardindeMist - Main [BOOM] (#7513)

Wolvefire (#23053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-02-26 15:40:29
I Support No Support!

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Edited on 26/02/14 by Wolvefire (#23053)

Tinebra [2100+
Fiery,Het, Inf] (#20580)

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Posted on
2014-04-02 10:44:41
This must be absolutely added! I see to much stupid suggestions and I would like to express too my non-support.

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