Posted by Accounts, who haven't been active

Master Dr Wholax (#15551)

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Posted on
2014-10-16 23:46:09
If this has been suggested, I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything similar.

I ran into a frustrating problem, while scouring Lioden for acceptable studs. There are some gorgeous studs out there, but when you go to their main page, the user hasn't been online for quite a while and thus can't accept (or decline) the match made in heaven.

I suggest something where if you're inactive for more than, say 2 weeks, your lion is automatically removed from studding.

Or remove manually accepting studding and have it automatic with a warning message: 'Are you sure you wish to breed this lioness to this lion?' 'Yes, let the lovin' begin' or 'Nope, changed my mind.'

This suggestion has 46 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-16 23:52:25
I say it should be 1 month, some people haves to move from a house to another, or to move simply, for example, from mexico to australia, it's a long way, and sometimes they have to do a lot of things in the house, as calling people who fixes the holes, the broken things, etc... and to put everything on their places. (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc)

tough, i support this. :3

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Maru (#38081)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-22 09:04:13
I support this, I've run into the same problem. And I think 2 weeks is completely reasonable, because whenever they come back they can just put their stud right back up for public breeding. If someone's going to be absent a month and knows it, they should take their stud down first. It takes two seconds and saves other players a TON of frustration

However- I honestly prefer the automatic acceptance thing, as long as the stud fee only gets accepted if the breeding results in a pregnancy. The way it works now, in other words. The only problem is, studding runs a stud out of energy ver' quick especially with VLF lionesses. I'm not sure how I feel about another player being able to run my lion out of energy without my say-so. Some people might feel that's an acceptable risk/cost for putting your stud up for public breeding, others might not like it so much. It certainly is realistic, though- if your stud's so busy makin' babbies he won't have the energy to do much else!

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Ciril {Int|3x
Ros|Dusk} (#38439)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 09:05:17
I think there should just be a "Cancel Studding Request" button so that when my female is still in heat I can get her bred.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 09:55:27
Just so you guys know, you CAN remove your own requests. Right under your 'Edit Your Details' part in your Den.

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Pan! {Sutekh Ferus} (#15435)

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Posted on
2014-10-24 05:15:40
Fully agree, as I've run into this many, many times. It's a matter of simple convenience really, and makes sense.

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