Posted by Impression Benefit from Chasing

Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2014-10-17 10:34:05
Sorry if this has been suggested before, I searched but couldn't find anything.

I was thinking, I know we can gain impression through claiming lionesses, what if we gained impression through chasing lionesses? Like a sort of "your king is beautiful enough to be picky about his pride," thing. This would be an encouragement to chase lionesses who are just taking up space and might be able to help the economy a little. It gives people an incentive to chase without devaluing SB anymore than it already is. (Since some people have suggested getting a small amount of SB from chasing.)

Since every impression level after dreamboat gives you exp bonus, it would also be an incentive in that respect, since battling is a little harder now.

This suggestion has 80 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Drakel [Ebony Boyo] (#12615)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-10-20 06:58:20
I agree with Simba_Girl- a chance at gaining impression when you chase, but not definite. Once you hit dreamboat, claiming only gives you 1-3% impression. So... if chasing also gives you 1% impression, people that mass claim and chase would see a significant rise in the speed of their impression levels. But if it were a chance, it'd be a reward without being a complete overhaul of the current system (ie. without them having to code different amounts per impression level, since that'd be rather messy at this point.)

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Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2014-10-20 14:26:30
This is why I'm suggesting that NCLs and cubs (level 1 lions) be worth less than normal lions. That coupled with the fact that battles are harder to win but don't give any extra IMP than they used to means people won't be gaining as much impression.

Having a chance of gaining impression, I'd make it like a 30% chance though, not 1% because that's a little extreme, is definitely a viable solution. As is making impression points function like EXP, where you need more points at each level to fill the bar.

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2014-10-21 04:49:08
Hmm I dont mind this but I say you should get nothing from a ncl for chasing them since you already get IMP from claiming them. Chasing cubs I do agree to geting only 1%IMP from them and if you have like lets say a level 5 lioness then you get like 1%-5%IMP maybe.

And if this does happen then it should be a bit harder to improve your IMP after you hit dreambot, more of a challenge I feel.

But other then that I do like this.

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Drakel [Ebony Boyo] (#12615)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-10-21 05:50:18
I would really rather they not make impression work like experience, since that makes it so complicated for it being such a tiny feature.

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Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2014-10-21 06:55:09
@Lady Dead, maybe only getting IMP from NCLs if they're over a certain level?

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Dr. Bones (#39471)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 06:37:56
I agree, BUT only for newbies. After the player has been play for, idk, a month or so, or after he reaches level 3 or something (admins can decide) then chasing would not longer benefit.

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Spectre (dying side
acc) (#174146)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 07:34:07
Well, they could make it so that you don't always get impression from chasing a lioness or cub away, plus a random amount of impression. maybe it'll be fairer that way?

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