Posted by Lion VS Lioness Exp Gain

Felicat (#24395)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-21 15:20:57
I know I'm new here-I joined the first of the year-but even in that time, I've noticed a few game imbalances that are, if not game breaking, at least annoying and sometimes problematic. As most gamers will tell you, a good game must have balanced systems. I won't get into all of them here, but rather will mention the one that annoys me the most personally, and frankly doesn't make any sense: the huge discrepancy between the amout of exp gained by lions and lionesses.
I unerstand that lionesses do the bulk of the hunting in a pride, and are therefore more active than the males. However, a lioness can go from level 1 to 6 or even higher in ONE DAY of hunting, whereas a lion takes at least two weeks to gain the same levels, at least in my experience. Now, if the lion wasn't the pride's main source of defense against outsiders, and other threats, I could almost go along with it. My point? *CONTINUED IN NEXT POST, RAN OUT OF CHARACTERS AGAIN*

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Felicat (#24395)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-21 15:25:27
Lions need more ways to gain exp than quests (which are themeselves either imbalanced or too random, not sure which yet) and exploring and PvP battles. Isn't there anything else the big guys can do? Either that OR lioness exp needs to be reduced a little. Sure, they are hunting all day, but they're also doing the same thing over and over. Yes they can get better at it, but not at such a fast rate. New challenges would lead to higher exp gains.
All in all, we really need more for our lions to do than eat, sleep, hunt, and breed. Even those things are not challenging, and the game is already becoming boring for me, and, I'm sure, for like-minded players. So what kinds of activities do YOU think our prides should get up to? Please post suggestions!

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-01-23 18:48:03
I think the reason why it is this uneven can be understood this way:

1. You are playing the male lion of the pride, thus his stats and level has more impact on your gameplay. Leveling them quicker would give you less challenge, and the matter of level specific areas would be less important. And I am sure that the staff wishes to introduce more features that depend on the level. Gaining many levels a day would be no fun anyway.

2. The lioness expgain was already reduced as it was with the new hunting system, and.... did you see the way people complained? If you did, and saw the ruckus, you can already imagine what kind of uproar would take place if it was reduced even more...

So, while it would be a good idea to reduce expgain for lionesses -to even out the field for male and female lions-, the majority would -as usually- threaten with quitting.

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