Posted by NCL Levels/Stats and Variety

Felicat (#24395)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-28 18:30:56
I'll make this quck and clean, since I always run out of space in my posts.

1. NCLs should be the same level range as the zone in which they are found, with stats adjusted to match. I'm not good at math; if someone wants to work this out, please do.
2. The variety of colors and markings should gradually increase as you reach hihger level zones. Many people have said there is plenty of variety now, but I beg to differ. I have literally had the same NCL come up 5 or more times in a row, and this persisted from one lion to my other.
3. I fully agree and support the idea of wild only markings and/or colors. Thier % should also icrease with higher level zones. Seriously, go support it if you haven't already.

And that's the basis of my idea. The why, below.

This suggestion has 23 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Felicat (#24395)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-28 18:31:20
The Why???
1. As you reach higher level zones, they are more dangerous. Any lone lioness able to make it there would, therefore, have better skills than those hanging out on the savanna.
2. Stronger lions=stronger genes=wider gene pool. Therefore, the surviving lions in each area must have progressively better genes, and variety.
3. Because wild lions are special, too. And because not everyone plays the lion market, or can afford tons of customs. It would also encourage exploration, meaning stronger pride leaders, too. The whole pride would benefit.

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Edited on 29/01/14 by Felicat (#24395)

Felicat (#24395)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-28 18:31:47
Q&A and Further Suggestons

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-01-28 22:01:47
No support.
For many valid reasons.

1. Level and stat balance. Right now the only way to level/stat a lioness higher is by working your butt off for it, sending them to hunt like crazy. I would find it extremely unfair if lions at higher levels would be able to just so counter my hard work by claiming a simple lioness with high level and high stats....
Unfair. Very unfair.
It would take away the meaning of the Leaderboards as well.

2. There are only few wild colors, but I do agree that markings tend to repeat themselves all too many times. I would indeed like a greater variety in markings.
See a full list of wild markings in this thread, listed at the bottom of the first post. I only saw very few of these markings on NCLs. BUT there should be no custom colors or markings that you can buy for GB only. Just so the site doesnt lose money.

3. I have already supported that thread.

All in all, I would support variety but would find the stat and level increase extremely unfair. So no support because of that.

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Felicat2 (#26584)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-30 17:18:12
I understand that. It just feels like, as others have said, there's no real motivation to reach higher levels. Stronger lions might encourage that. It's even easier to buy high statted lionesses than it would be to find and claim them, though. And you need to hunt, no matter your lions' levels, so they'd still be raising them. I don't mean to take away from the work people put into their lions; it's not easy. I just think there should be rewards for building your king's strength.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-01-30 18:49:25
There will be uses to stats implemented with time. Just let's be patient.

And still, putting levels and stats onto NCLs isnt fair towards the majority. It is more rewarding and you get a feel of achievement when you get your lionesses from level 1 yourself to level30+. Now this being simply countered by someone who claimed an NCL would be rather... disappointing and devastating.

This also is a bad idea because the devs are planning to give uses to lioness levels too. Thus you will need to work your way up and get your lionesses to become better, and not claim it and level it further to level50+...

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