Posted by Tiger's Iris (Name Subject to Change)

DemonBarber (#28731)

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Posted on
2014-12-08 10:35:31
With the new cub stages update, I realized that I really want to "freeze" some lions as cubs xD THEY'RE SO DARN CUTE. So why not have an item like the Tiger's Eye that costs a similar amount of GB, called the Tiger's Iris (or whatever the admins want to name it :P)?

Basically, this item would keep the cub forever in whatever cub-stage it is frozen at. It would (probbaly) NOT be able to hunt, patrol, breed, become king, or be gender-swapped anymore, but also (probably) would not take up a territory slot. However, these things are entirely up to the admins, and this is just how I personally feel it should work :3

The "frozen" cub would need to be fed once it reaches 6 months, as all cubs do, no matter its age at the time of freezing.


This suggestion has 40 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/12/14 by DemonBarber (#28731)

Shiloh (#49255)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-08 10:36:31

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[Sidereal/Piebald] (#28736)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-08 10:36:58
Agree. @@ I'd love to have a forever-cub.

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Fakelamb {Side} (#12714)

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Posted on
2014-12-08 10:37:31
I think it should still have to take up territory & should still be able to be king & all of that, but it should also age normally and die when it's supposed to (at the certain age).

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Biddlebuddy (Maasai) (#573)

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Posted on
2014-12-08 11:20:36
I agree with Wolfie. The Tiger's Eye doesn't keep the Lion/lioness at the age it was given it. Some people think it would be strange to have a Cub ruling a pride but the new cubs stages are SO CUTE!!!!

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Shiloh (#49255)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-08 11:59:28
I don't like the idea of a cub ruling a pride. Then again, I could probably opt out of it. But I mean I'd rather have it just be an aesthetic creature until his or her death that doesn't take up a slot or really do anything else xD

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DemonBarber (#28731)

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Posted on
2014-12-08 12:27:31
The main reason I feel that cubs should not be able to rule the pride, breed, hunt, and patrol is that it just seems weird, and especially the breeding aspect. Adols are one thing, as they are clearly close to being adults at the very least, but a cub breeding? It just doesn't sit well with me.

Regardless, I updated that paragraph to say that that is just my view, and that it is entirely up to the admins to figure out how those parts of it would work c:

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2014-12-12 12:21:50
Yeah cubs breeding just flies in the face of realism. And by "realism" I mean basic biology itself so none of that "we have pink lions" deal. Crazy decor and coats is one thing but having cubs breed is like having lionesses impregnate the lions. LOL

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-12-12 12:55:27
Mid, you beautiful lion, saying all the words I felt like I need to say but saving me work XD

Agreed with most of above, they should not hunt or lead or breed, as it is simply illogical for cubs to do so. That being said, it would have such restrictions that it would be pretty worthless[unless you really love that cub stage] and makes me say a firm no support.

Instead, I would propose a Scrying Stone that would show all stages of a lion/ess, from newborn to cubhood ect ect to satisfy peoples demands. But, who knows

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*LIGHTS ON* (#3241)

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Posted on
2015-01-28 13:50:57
I like Cat's idea for the Scrying Stone.

Also, my two cents is that I agree with the breeding issue. It'd be like a dwarfed lion vis birth defect trying to breed in real life. Most dwarfed or malformed animals are not chosen for breeding (most, it does, in odd random cases occur) due to the fact that they are typically weaker and often times can not reproduce anyway.

If you want to keep a particular cub image, you could always take a screen shot of it and save it that way (if you don't know how, you could always ask someone to assist you)

That's just my opinion.

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DemonBarber (#28731)

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Posted on
2015-02-15 10:10:24
Cat: Just because you wouldn't personally use it doesn't mean that other users wouldn't enjoy it. It doesn't harm anything and would be a fun feature to have around, IMO. Just because you wouldn't use a feature yourself doesn't mean that others wouldn't find it fun to use. It's silly to be firmly against something just because you personally wouldn't find benefit from it.

I'm not really in favor of a scrying stone suggestion, myself :x

Screenshot-ing has its limitations, though; you can't edit decor, backgrounds, etc, and it's not actually part of the game.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-02-15 12:53:50
Demon@ I don't recall ever saying 'I won't support because it does not benefit me'.

I thought I gave valid reasons against it.

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