Posted by An Update to NCLs.
Kwintikal (#27379)

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Posted on
2014-02-08 02:50:24
This is a fairly large suggestion, so please bear with me while I do my best to explain.

a) Regular NCL lions.

My first suggestion is to make the claiming lionesses tab more interesting. Right now it's just click click click oh I won / oh I lost. I know this simplicity is probably good for some people, but just stick with me?

(let it be noted that when you get +attraction points, you'd also get maybe one or two impression points, and possibly some EXP for your lion)

My idea would add a small 'attraction bar' right above your options to interact with her. It'd start in the middle, and if it got too low from bad interactions (which I'll explain next) then the lioness would run away. If it got high enough, you'd have the chance to claim her.

This, of course, would need the addition of bad interactions. I'm imagining them as being generated randomly that when you perform a regular interaction, the lioness would react badly to it.


'Spray Scent'

'The lioness sniffs curiously, and then her nose wrinkles in disgust as she eyes you. Who do you think you are?' (-x attraction).

Some new interactions could be added, too. I was thinking that on a VERY rare basis, a lioness could have a cub with her. This would open up 'Play with Cub' as an option, which could obviously go a few different ways.

Option 1:

'You crouch low and wiggle your butt in the most playful manner you can imagine, engaging the cub in a game of wrestling. The lioness watches...she looks impressed' (+x attraction)

Option 2:

'You get down on the cubs level, pawing at him playfully. The mother watches warily.' (+x attraction)

Option 3:

'You crouch down to play with the cub, but the mother's warning growl makes you back up. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.' (-x attraction)


Along with this, it could possibly be made so that the rarer lionesses are more inclined to react poorly to your advances.


My second suggestion in the way of NCLs is that when you frolic with the cub from exploring (the one you also have the option to kill..), that you should get a boosted chance of claiming the aunt lioness.


My next suggestion is one that I'm not entirely sure about, because I haven't unlocked all the areas. But basically, the further you progress with unlocked territory, the better the lionesses you can find get. Maybe an increased chance of getting 'rare' coats (as rare as wild can be found, anyways) and better stat boosts?

***I'm not sure if this is already implemented or not. I only have the first two territories unlocked but have thus far noticed no difference.***


My final suggestion is an option to 'Peek' at NCLs when you're in the claiming window with them. The 'Peek' option would cost some SB (maybe 25 or so) and would give you some very basic information about the lioness, such as mane, coat, eyes, markings, and maybe stats.

This suggestion has 39 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/02/14 by Kwintikal (#27379)

Nadira (#23101)

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Posted on
2014-02-08 02:54:03
I support. The cub idea sounds especially good and I'm liking the idea that you'll get better lionesses as you unlock territories.

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Anyu (#26344)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-02-08 02:58:23
I think this is a really good idea. I mean, right now I'm so bored with the claiming page that I just hit "spray scent" for all three goes and if I get the lioness then yay and if I don't, whatever. And, really, those lionesses are a dime a dozen and practically all clones of each other, so I end up chasing most of them off anyways. Which is where I totally support there being better/rarer lionesses in the other territories. I only have the first three, but so far I haven't noticed a difference. They all have similar stats and a lot of the ones I find in the jungle have no markings, just like the ones in the other two territories. It tends to make things really uninteresting and there really isn't much of a reward for advancing to new territories or leveling lions up, in my opinion.

In short, you have my support!
(I'm a poet and I didn't know it)

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UnwrittenTale (#14055)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-02-08 03:01:08
Support, support. Definitely support. There should be some challenge. I agree with Anyu.

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2014-02-08 03:11:41
I dont think there should be cubs with the NCLs for two reasons:

1. Lionesses would never wander away with cubs, or they would leave their cubs behind if they are chased off from their pride, unable to care for their cub alone. They couldnt go hunting without an animal attacking the helpless cub out there.
2. We already have a lot of cubs... We dont need more useless ones that would only be thrown on the market or would be chased off anyway. I am sure they wouldnt have tempting stats.

However, I do agree to the attraction bar.
It would go well with my idea.

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kalkwin (#27382)

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Posted on
2014-02-08 03:14:01
i agree this would make the game much more interesting and a bit more entertaining to play. I definitely support this.

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Kwintikal (#27379)

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Posted on
2014-02-08 03:14:36
When you chase lionesses, they leave with their cubs. ^

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2014-02-08 05:44:13
But the cubs would be left behind. Which lioness would manage to take care of one while they roam around the plains, needing to hunt? But the moment they leave the cub somewhere, some kind of an animal would snatch them. They would be defenseless. This is why the cubs are erased when these lionesses are put as NCLs.

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Nym (#191)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-02-08 06:02:35
I really do love this idea. It would add a whole lot more fun to the process of claiming lionesses.

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