Posted by Make Stamina Useful!
Kwintikal (#27379)

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Posted on
2014-02-08 04:22:58
Okay, guys, another suggestion. ;; This one is a bit shorter though!

So I was looking at my main lion's stats, pondering over what they're really supposed to be used for.

And then I had an idea, particularly about the Stamina stat.

(note this suggestion is only for on your lead lion)

So what if, when you start out with a rolled lion and you have like 6 stamina, while you're exploring, it means you have a higher chance of using more (3) energy per click? Of course, your lion would tire out faster but then it would also have a higher chance of taking naps and breaks.

As your lions stamina increased (possibly could be randomly gained while exploring [maybe give the ostrich event more use than just gaining exp]), you'd be more likely to use less (1) energy per click. This would balance out with the fact that you'd be less likely to take naps and breaks while you're exploring.

This suggestion has 13 supports and 0 NO supports.

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