Posted by Expandable Leaderboard Lists

Silvwa [Talis]
{LAWS} (#15275)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-02-09 08:46:57
I've had this idea for a while now so I thought that I'd put it up here.

While I would really like to have a system where we could search for a stud with certain criteria I don't know how far away we are from that.

Soooo, what about a longer leaderboard list? For the highest stated males at least?

As great as the top 10 males are (seriously, congrats guys!), there aren't many that I would breed to even if I could afford the stud fees- mostly because I don't want any of the special bases and almost all of the leaderboard studs are specials.

What I would like is a way to view, say, the top 25 or so males- stat wise.

Not everyone advertises their males in the boards and I think that it would make finding studs a little easier for many of us without a lot of extra work. I'm no coding expert, but it shouldn't be any more difficult to code and implement than the new leaderboards that we get for the events.

It would also help to advertise the males that are just off of the current leaderboards and will help celebrate those who worked so hard to bring their boys up to the highest stats but couldn't quite get to 2700+ stats.

To avoid off setting the current leaderboards, the list could be expandable, maybe with a link to another page.

This suggestion has 21 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/02/14 by Silvwa [Caerulus] {LAWS} (#15275)

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