Posted by Weight, height, General size measurements

Ink|Clean Colourbomb
Ferus🌈 (#10040)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-14 08:35:51
Well.. as the Name of this thread states, I think it would be cool if lions/lionesses could gain and loose weight?

And maybe have height and length measurements..I mean, it doesn't have to change any art, maybe they could just state their size in a separate box. (height - Shoulder to floor, Length - Tail to nose or something like that)

The size and weight could maybe also maybe pass on to offspring? Example.

--> Lets say there are two large lions (lioness + lion). The lioness's mother was a tiny lioness, and rather scrawny. Where as her father was a rather large lion, and she inherited his genes. But then, if she were to breed, her cubs would be able to inherit either her mothers tiny and scrawny genes, or her fathers Bulky and large genes.

These size and weight Genes can be inherited from both the mother's parents, and the father's parents, as well as the mother and father. (Provided that the cub's grandparents still exist in lioden).

Ideas? Opinions? Suggestions? Please? :3 It's just an idea :P

This suggestion has 42 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-01-14 10:38:37
It seems redundant and unneeded, at least for the moment. Not to mention terrible hard to code, though ti sounds neat. SO for now I cast a no support. Sorry!

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 22:23:23
Good idea. But the weight should have a goal.

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-16 12:23:11
I am totally on board with the idea of heights and weights being implemented into the game! I'm fine with just having it as a placeholder at first, but I think some fun ways it could affect gameplay are through food usage, cub growth, and flavor texts. The larger a lion is, the more food they should have to consume, making larger lions harder to take care of and generally keeping people around the average. This is sort of how it works out in real life, seeing as we don't usually have giant animal specimens without human interaction, since larger animals need more to support themselves and are thus found mostly in prey rich areas.

Of course, for baby animals it can be very advantageous to outweigh their siblings as they can get better access to food, so maybe, if cub weights were added, they would have a higher survival rating the heavier they were in comparison to their height, while the scrawny ones need more interaction. Given you aren't keeping them with a broodmother. Cubs could have a predetermined range of heights and weights for when they're adults, but it could be affected, to a degree, with how you raise them. With well-fed and interacted cubs getting a bit bigger and ones that are left on the brink of survival before adolescence can end up smaller. Broodmothers would just keep them within their predetermined range.

Lioness personalities don't have much to do with the gameplay, aside from minor hunger/mood changes and nurturing, but they do produce a lot of fun little flavor texts. I think it would be interesting if heights and weights would produce those as well. For example, let's say you have a large brave lioness, so when you go to her page it may say something like, "You see Lioness laying with the pride and telling stories about her strength, as you come up she jokes about being able to beat you in a fight. Although the glint in her eye tells you there may be some truth behind her words.".

Min. 300 lbs / 120 cm
Max. 500 lbs / 280 cm
Average: 350 - 450 lbs / 150-250 cm

Min. 200 lbs / 100 cm
Max. 400 lbs / 200 cm
Average: 250-350 lbs / 120-180 cm

Those are just some guesstimates on the size range using weights and heights from wikipedia, defenders, and live science (I'll dig up links later). I think body altering mutations like dwarfism, leopons, primals, and (in the future) tigons should have their own ranges since it's pretty unlikely there'd be a four hundred pound dwarf. Speaking of primals though, they could have heights and weights based off of american lions, they were pretty big, and record breaking lions. Around 500-600 lbs / 250-300 cm? I dunno, these are all just suggestions.

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skellyfaust (#148959)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 20:42:55
I like this a lot! FlightRising has this feature, but it's randomly generated heights/weights. This sort of thing is great for roleplaying, and just generally cool to have. Builds the profile of your lions.

This could work great if it were randomly generated too, and that'd make coding easier as well.

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