Posted by New Achievement Ideas (170+)

Boeing V.2 (#53436)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-27 04:46:08
There are quite a few achievements that people want removed or altered, so I decided to make a thread dedicated to suggesting new achievements.

I'll update this as I think of new ones and I'll add people's suggestions too. The names might not be fantastic, but the ideas would stay the same~

1. Merciless
First time killing a lioness.

2. The Gambler
First time entering the Silver Beetle raffle.

3. Lucky Draw
Won in the Silver Beetle raffle!

4. Went With Your Gut
First time winning a prize in a game of Cups.

5. Frequent Player
Have rollover everyday for a week. (7 consecutive days, could show a progress bar)

6. Casual Addiction
Have rollover everyday for a month. (30 consecutive days, could show a progress bar)

7. Weird Obsession
Have rollover everyday for a year. (365 collective days, could show a progress bar)

8. Widening the Gene Pool
First successful studding to a lioness outside of your pride. (Basically first time doing a paid studding with your king)

9. A Lovely Affair
First time using another lion's studding services.

10. Not Going Anywhere
Have a pride member live to 16 years old.

11. Good or Evil?
Become King of the Jungle or Deathlord of the Jungle.

12. Not My Type
First time slapping a lioness in explore.

13. Redecorator
Have 20 territory spaces.

14. Come Live in My Mansion
Have 40 territory spaces.
(My name ideas are horrible omfg)

15. Added A Guest Bedroom
Buy an extra territory space with GB.

16. Fight Me
Spar with a subordinate male.

--- S U G G E S T I O N S ---

Bolded suggestions have my support.
Normal ones need feedback.

From (#33695)
Hors d'oeuvre
Have a lion eat 5 different types of food.

Buffet Line
Have a lion eat 15 (AN: 10?) different types of food.

A King's Feast
Have a lion eat 25 (AN: 20?) different types of food.

Passing the Time
Play with a lion.
(Doesn't include Play All)

Not Lion Around
Play with your lions 10 times.

All Fun and Games
Play with your lions 25 times.

A 'Tactical' Retreat
Flee from 5 opponents.

Flee from 10 opponents.

Don't Swipe It, Swiper
Win a battle using only swipe to defeat the opponent. (Excluding opening move)

Chew Toy
Win a battle using only bite to defeat the opponent. (excluding opening move)

Now I've Seen Everything*
Experience all happenings in an area of explore.
*Could also have zone specific variants, or one per zone
(AN: I was thinking that perhaps you only need to do it in one area and only get the achievement once, same with "En Guard!")

En Guard!*
Fight all types of enemies in an area of explore.
*Could also have zone specific variants, or one per zone

All Day Every Day
Explore in both wet and dry seasons, during the day and night.

Extensive Family
Sire 10 cubs.

Family Planner
Sire 20 cubs.

Too Many Mouths to Feed
Sire 40 cubs.

From (#48779)
Cold Heart
Kill a cub for the first time.

Rock Hard Feelings
Kill 10 cubs.

Ice Veins
Kill 20 cubs.

You Monster
Kill 50 cubs.

From (#26909)
Senior Cessation
Kill a lion over 15 years of age.

From (#48779)
Tough Luck
Have a sub male gain a scar after sparing with them.

Lesson Learned
Have your sub males gain five scars from sparring.

From (#43716)
Ooh La La!
Make your first custom lioness.

From (#39699)
Ladies' Man
Claim 10 lionesses.

This suggestion has 181 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/05/15 by Eila (#53436)

Lilac Patches (#21149)

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Posted on
2015-02-27 05:23:47
Wow, these are really good! xD

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Timid~Summomma~ (#34553)

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Posted on
2015-02-27 05:46:32
These are puuuuurrrrfect.

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Airika {Corin -
Blush King} (#1552)

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Posted on
2015-02-27 05:52:55
I love these!
I think adding one for winning the special lioness would also be fun... very, very difficult, but fun.

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Edited on 27/02/15 by Airika (#1552)

Boeing V.2 (#53436)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-02-27 05:57:26
I'm not really sure about that, Airika :<

It'd probably end up like the First Post achievement, there's only one per week and upwards of 2,000 players trying to claim her.

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Torquil (#53700)

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Posted on
2015-02-27 05:59:17
I think adding one for winning the special lioness would also be fun... very, very difficult, but fun.

Already exists.

[Click here]

Won Her Heart
Impressed a Special Lioness.
Earned on 2015-02-27 12:08:17

Support to main thread.

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Boeing V.2 (#53436)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-27 06:01:25
It's a challenger achievement xD no wonder practically no one knows about it. Thanks, Torquil c:

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🌳 Dad 🌳 (#22988)

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Posted on
2015-03-02 08:18:10

I support all but the "Log in everyday for a year."

I don't think it would be fair to have someone completely loose a chance for an achievement because they couldn't get on that day.

What if their relative died, or it's Christmas/Thanksgiving, etc.

Other than that, I love everything else! You still have my support.

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Boeing V.2 (#53436)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-02 08:36:59
Alright, thanks for your input c:

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Boeing V.2 (#53436)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-04 05:59:49
EDIT: "Weird Obsession" remains intact, but instead of 365 consecutive days, it's 365 collective days, so your streak would not be broken if you couldn't log in that day.

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Edited on 04/03/15 by `Eila [~HS~ | {PPP}] (#53436)

Sobie (#33695)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 15:43:37
These look like fun :D
Some more suggestions (feel free to edit or change):

Food related:
Hors d'oeuvre
-have a lion eat 5 different types of food

Buffet Line
-have a lion eat 15 different types of food

A Kings Feast
-have a lion eat 25? different types of food

Toy/Interact related:
Passing the time
-play with x amount of lions

Not Lion Around
-play with y amount of lions

All Fun and Games
-play with z amount of lions

Explore Related:
A 'tactical' retreat
-Flee from 5 opponents

-Flee from 10 opponents

Swipe that, then swipe some more
-win a battle using only swipe to defeat the opponent (excluding opening move)

Chew Toy
-win a battle using only bite to defeat the opponent (excluding opening move)

Well, now I've seen everything*
-experience all happenings in an area of explore
*Could also have zone specific variants, or one per zone

En Guard!*
-Fight all types of enemies in an area of explore
*Could also have zone specific variants, or one per zone

All Day Every Day
-Explore in both wet and dry seasons during the day and night

Breeding Related:
Growing the Family
-Have 10 descendants (Your king sires 10 cubs)

Family planning? What's that?
-Have 30 descendants (Your king sires 30 cubs)

-Have 50 descendants (Your king sires 50 cubs)

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 15:46:12
Love them all!

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 15:51:22
Achievement idea:
Cold heart:
Kill a cub for the first time

Rock hard feelings
Kill 10 cubs

Ice veins
Kill 20 cubs

You monster
Kill 50+ cubs

All under pride

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Boeing V.2 (#53436)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-06 23:24:24
EDIT: Even though it took me awhile I added the above suggestions~ uwu

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Lady Lannister (#1894)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 00:57:14
Just rough names,meant for your male,naturally

All About That Love

Successfully breed with every NLC base,like Light Cream,Golden 1,etc

Lovey Dovey

Successfully breed with every custom base,Russet,Onyx,etc

Special Love

Successfully breed with every Special Base,Lilac,Fiery,etc

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Boeing V.2 (#53436)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-07 05:56:06
I personally don't really see how these achievements would work, Lady Lannister, due to things like Base Changers.

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