Posted by Den Search

FoxTrix (#31766)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-08 06:27:41
*cough* Another idea from me, dunno why I have so many lately. I hope they don't suck lol

Anyways, I searched for this with many different keywords and nothing came up.

I propose we have a search within our den. We could use it to search for specific markings, eye colours, mane types etc. I know personally I sometimes forget what markings my cubs have, and you can't fit them all into the name!

Ease of sorting lions in your den.
Ease of searching for specific markings for breeding projects or to sell.
Lets you know if you have a marking you want without having to click on every lion in your den.
Free up the name slots so you can actually name your lionesses without forgetting what markings they have. (I guess I have a bad memory lol)

I can't really think of any to be honest.

Please comment your opinions or if you have anything to add on!
If you don't support I would love to hear why so I can add it under the cons section. :)

This suggestion has 27 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/04/15 by FoxTrix (#31766)

Francxs -muts- (#35539)

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Posted on
2015-03-08 11:43:29
There was a suggestion somewhat like this, but it was a den sort of thing. Like you could have different sections in your den that you could seperate your lions throughout.
Also, as I don't have numerous lions, I'm able to at least guesstimate which girl looks like what from their names, and many users label their lions rather than name them out of simplicity, like I do on my side account. Idk I honestly don't have much of a life outside of ld, so remembering 30+ lioness names and colorations isn't too bad for me. Maybe it is for users with a lot more territory slots though.
Still support though. C:

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FoxTrix (#31766)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-08 11:56:44
Thanks Shyre, I saw some den related things, but nothing to do with a search. I felt a search would be easier to code because there is already trade searches etc, instead of making them coding a bunch of new functions for the den.

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Silverfish (#6888)

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Posted on
2015-03-08 15:13:13
I like this idea better than the idea of sorting/folders, unless you could sort a lion into multiple groups (because then I'd sort them by marking lol).
Would definitely make my life easier.

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FoxTrix (#31766)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-02 07:29:30

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