Posted by Personality,Dangers and Diseases

Gingersnaps (#54549)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-12 17:43:17
Like your cat, dog or other animals a personality can sorta be seen. Some can be clam and playful others lazy or shy and this effects we/they interact with them and another. When you go to interact with your lions they have a possibility to gain a skill point. A personality trait (Lazy,Ruffian,Playful,...) would affect the amount of mood they would gain and the higher possibility of gaining skill.

A lazy lion would rather be groomed then play around, so by picking the positive interaction you would have more of a chance to gain skill and having a higher mood. Picking a negative interaction would decrees your chance of gaining a skill and give a lower amount of mood gained.

Cub are usually playful in reality so there personalities don't really show till there older, so you wouldn't know there personality till there an Adult.

Higher chance of gaining skill.
Gives the lions a seance of being more life like.

Cub interactions would be shots in the dark.
Wrong interactions for the wrong personality, no gain.

Lioness face many dangers when hunting, expressly with animals like elephants or hippos. Now males can all ready get scars when fighting in the explore, but lioness should be able to scars while out hunting.

Hippos and Elephants have been known to possibly kill and wound lioness when attacked, so it's not uncommon to see one with a scar on them. They can also be wounded from kicks form zebras and wildebeest.

In short lioness should be able to gain scars from hunts.

Note: porcupine needles and puncher wound scars would be cool c:

Ticks, Flies and mange [Yes, mange is all ready a scar] are common in the wild and should appear randomly as scars while exploring.

Lions can get sick and get diseases like infections or parasites which can be bother some to them and cause discomfort.

Note: the diseases unlike most real diseases would not be permanent and there would a quick cure option that could be bought.

The diseases would affect the lioness mood and energy also her ability to bring in large prey. The males would also have that same effect but while exploring would need to stop and rest more.

Have a more realistic feel

Lions sick would be less productive.

Wow that was a lot but thank you for sticking around and reading if you agree with me, you know what to do. Please leave you comments below I'd love to share and hear your ideas and improvisations c:

Thanks again!

This suggestion has 33 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/03/15 by Yuri (#54549)

X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-08-31 01:38:01
No support.

No one interacts/has time to interact with all lionesses, not to mention all the interactions are 'positive'. Plus if this limits the ability to gain stats, I'm sure stat breeders would be protesting.

The cons and pros don't really describe the situation either, because 'having a realistic feel' isn't something positive really compared to lionesses are less productive as the con impairs gameplay.

As I say to most user suggestions, there needs to be a wall between reality and games. If this were realistic, every studded cub be killed, all lions would have 'Normal' manes(you don't see razor manes out patrolling Africa/where ever lions reside), you'd be killing the monkey for taking your food, ect.

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