Posted by Multiple Sub-Males can patrol in an hour

Skye (Skyward)
Lights ON! (#22839)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-03-20 00:41:11
So, sub males can each patrol once an hour, but only take fifteen minutes to finish. I like the cooldown for the individual sub males. But I feel like the account cooldown is... annoying? I have two sub males, one is my heir, and I want to boost the stats for both of them. I would like to be able to send out a different sub male right away after the first one is finished. That way the people with multiple sub males don't end up just stat boosting one while the others sit around, gathering dust and looking pretty.

This suggestion has 2 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-03-20 00:44:03
This awas already suggested a few times. Using the search feature on the upper side of the page will show you the suggested ideas if you type in keywords.

But I myself dont support because it makes no sense and doesnt have any use, really. Only one of them can be lead male anyway, the other one is basically for sale. If you cannot decide between two submales, then train one of them on your side account or make a choice prior training or train both of them half effectively.
Males that will be stat replaced usually dont have high stats anyway, just good looks. This is why they will be stat replaced.

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