Posted by Whack a Snake Levels

Dr. Bones (#39471)

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Posted on
2015-04-01 06:46:15
While playing Whack-a-Snake, I was thinking maybe it would be possible to "upgrade" the game to have 3 levels.

In the first level, there could be two possible changes.
1: You only have either the snake or the monkey to worry about
2: The Snake and Monkey would move much slower than they do now.

At LEVEL 1, you would have a lower chance of getting quality prizes (such as decor or lucky feet) when you turn in the score, and there would be fewer of those quality prizes to win.

LEVEL 2 would be what we have now.

In Level 3, the snake and monkey would move much faster, and more birds would fly past. Maybe there could even be 2 birds flying by at once. It would take a fewer number of total whacks to win prizes, but not by much.

Other Ideas to consider:

Level 1 would not offer any decor. Period.

Level 3 would only offer decor (Except at 1-99)

Suggestions? Opinions? Feel free to post them!

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