Posted by Customize Existing Lion - Add to Existing Markings

rae (#53721)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-04-12 03:46:54
I'd like to see an option to "Import Lion" into the Oasis Customization, and from there we could add / remove / change existing markings, instead of having to create a lion from scratch.

For example, I want to customize my heir, who has Lilac Rogue and Feline 4 Onyx. In order to customize him, I would have to buy many Marking Applicators, Base Changer, Eye Changer, Marking Remover, Marking Opacity Changer, Mane Changer, Mane Color Changer, etc. All that adds up to 72gb. If I were able to import him into the Oasis Customizer, it would be 19gb.

I understand that this is a way to get more funds for the site, but for those of us who can't spend our money on buying lots of gb, 72gb is unreachable.

Perhaps it could charge us a bit more to keep special markings already on the lion?

Let me know if this topic has already been posted - I couldn't find it, but I'm sure it's come up before.

Edit: In general, looking for a way to customize an existing lion or lioness all at once, rather than one marking applicator at a time.

This suggestion has 63 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/04/15 by rae (#53721)

Cursed Smile (#95337)

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Posted on
2017-11-18 16:39:08
This really needs to happen

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gary (#60720)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-16 20:25:54
Support, it's kinda tedious customizing already existing lions rn >< Perhaps instead of 1 GB per added marking they could do 2GB per marking slot that differs from its original marking? Like, for every marking you change it's 2gb if the slot was taken. I know its lower than a marking app, but you still have to pay the 5gb base fee to customize so it kinda evens out.

idk if this makes sense, but yea

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