Posted by Suggestions for FAQ board?

Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2015-04-17 14:54:31
I did a quick stalk of it there this morning, and I'm not sure if the FAQ is expansive enough tbh O:

So I figured I'd add some of the questions I see frequently, and other people can add their own suggestions, and the mods can pick and choose from here what gets added, if anything ^^

My suggestions

Q - "Can I add this marking / base / mane shape / mane colour / eye colour using the oasis applicators?"
A - "You can find a list of all custom marking / base / mane shape / mane colour / eye colour here LINK, if it's not found here it is breedable-only / raffle / event / event NCL and can be found here LINK.

Q - "Do applicators work on any lion, or just our king?"
A - "Yup, applicators can be used on any lion you own, jut select them from the drop down list when using the item."

Q - "Can you choose the opacity of markings when applying them, or do I have to buy a separate opacity changer for each marking I add?"
A - "Yes, you can choose the opacity when applying the marking."

Q - "My lions have a strange symbol next to them! hungry.png / unhappy.png / overcrowding.png What does it mean?"
A - "Those symbols mean that your lions are unhappy!
hungry.png Means that your lions are at 60% hunger or lower, which can be fixed by going to your hoard and feeding them carcasses.
unhappy.png Means that your lions are at 35-40% (don't know exact, derp) mood or less, can be fixed by either playing with them from their page or giving them toys from your hoard.
overcrowding.png Means that this lion will run off at next rollover unless you fix it! May be going to leave due to one of the conditions above, or overcrowding, which is when you have more adols growing up than you have territory tiles for them. Either make room or have some of the adols run off at next rollover!"

Q - "How do I get a sub male?"
A - "You need to buy a sub male slot (1st is 500SB, 2nd is 500SB, 3rd is 4GB, 4th 8GB and 5th 15GB)"*
*I need someone to price-check these for me, I haven't bought sub slots in forever.

Q - "I've bought a sub male slot but my heir hasn't moved into it yet?"
A - "Sub males need to be at least 2yo to take up a sub slot. Similar to how females need to be at least 2yo to take up a territory slot."



Would highly appreciate if people suggesting questions to be added could use this set up, just to make it easier and ensure that the questions have answers ^^

Q - "
A -"

This suggestion has 18 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/04/15 by Easter Bilby .: All da Eggs :. (#22185)

PlaguedRuby (#24652)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-04-18 16:17:22
Can you please add a sub male breeding thing/why submales won't be able to breed/can my submale breed question thing? .3.


Q - "Can or will my submale ever be able to breed?"
A - "No. Submales will never be able to breed unless you make them into your king (or main male lion). You can do this by either waiting until your current male is 15 years old to retire him for free, or you can retire him now for a price of 10 GB."

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Edited on 18/04/15 by PlaguedRuby (#24652)

Marozi [TNS] (#59474)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-04-18 16:23:43
Q - "How much does it cost to retire my king?"
A -"It is free if you wait until your king is 15 or more. If you wish to retire early, it costs 10 GB. If you wish to retire again in less than 30 days, it will cost an additional 15 GB each time."

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-04-18 17:07:33
Literally just asked the first one in chat! ^^ Supporting!

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