Posted by Wild special lioness

Hippogriff (#11908)

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Posted on
2015-04-27 04:35:52
I had an idea.
My suggestion is that once a month the Lioden staff release a special lioness into the wild (only one) and it's basically a race to get it. And if no-one claims it in the 7 days, then it's dead :)
Also, the lioness could have a new marking- as in it's the only lion with the marking (unless you breed it into cubs).

All opinions welcome c:

This suggestion has 23 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-04-27 04:40:25
It is a interesting idea, but I reserve my support/non for the moment

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Tasha (#39574)

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Posted on
2015-04-27 04:41:07
I'll support it, this sounds pretty cool!

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LadyScarlet (#47699)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-18 23:33:04
Hrmm... i'll support, warily, as a very very under developed concept... xD

If you don't mind my building/consider for a little?
I think I like the concept cause every time new markings come out, special raffles... people. go. insane. The market explodes, people are throwing GB here and their Studs there... and tbh that mayhem is kinda fun. This would certainly boost some of that craziness once its found out.

Another thing I like is that, while people usually dont drop off the face of the earth... sometimes they do, and someone who entered the raffle lioness last Friday, may not be around to do anything about once they've won. This would be instantaneous reward, as you would have be doing something active to get it, and it would drop in your lap out of nowhere.

(good and bad thing hear) Plus, it would be such a tease for people who who are unable to to claim her, perhaps due to a king change and they've lost all that imp level? >:3

Oh, and something that would make it an even wilder goose chase, is if when they released her, they only told the community her appearance, not showed it, and they had to try to match the lady to the marks. Could make it so some let her slip through their fingers without knowing... ;3

Ehh, needs a lot of work before you can get some decent support and a potential implication, but again, good concept!

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-05-18 23:39:58
I'm with Lady Scarlet.

It's a crap shoot either way with the special lioness as she is now, and those who aren't dreamboat can't get her in the raffle. And what if the same applies for the wild lioness that you are suggesting? Which is pretty much the same thing she mentioned. Like you had a dreamboat male the week before, but then he got old and you replaced him. Or you decided to retire early, etc and you're back down to a low level and it takes awhile to get up to Dreamboat again.

But I'm sort of on the fence about it right now.

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Fakelamb {Side} (#12714)

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Posted on
2015-05-18 23:41:33
Nahh, no support, it's basically the same things as the raffle & it'd be worse to have 2 special lionesses per month, the market would become worse.

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LadyScarlet (#32908)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-18 23:51:17
Special lioness' are currently weekly ^o^ It would bump it from 4 per month to 5, instead of doubling~
(Which may not be too bad, considering the site is growing, and the raffle lioness gets over 1000-1500 hits per week now)

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