Posted by Option to sort feeding dropdown

Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2015-05-01 01:20:47
Would it be possible to be able to decide how we want the feeding dropdown meny sorted?
Like you had the option to switch between it being sorted by the alphabet as it used to be or by how hungry the lions are as it is now.

I'm sure the new way it's sorted is helpful to a lot of people, but for me it actually made feeding my pride very difficult.

I only feed my cubs when they're hungry, so because I name them all with a "W" they were all nice and tucked away in the bottom of the dropdown menu.
This way I could feed the rest of my pride first and then feed all the cubs with 60% in hunger last.

Now all my cubs are all over the dropdown menu (and I have A LOT of cubs) because they're all at different hunger %, this makes it quite a challenge to find all my pride members who do need to be fed and avoid all the cubs who aren't being fed this time.

This suggestion has 2 supports and 0 NO supports.

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