Posted by Linking Accounts!

Icarus (SIDE) (#52449)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 05:47:20
Okay, so I'm being able to link side account, maybe lets say Account One typed Account Two's user and pass, in a little thing,
Account Two typed Account One's user and pass, and they could be linked :3 Maybe you could like, choose whats linked and not.
Here is something I made to help explain
Any help improving this would be really helpful! :)
If you like this idea please support!

This suggestion has 14 supports and 1 NO support.

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 13:53:10
What would be the point of this?

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(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 13:55:26
Sorry, but I just see this as unnecessary. No support. On PC, its easy to log out and onto your other account. On mobile, not as much, but its (Most likely) your device so you can just save the passwords and not worry.

If thats what you meant by linking. Your post is really just.. confusing, and doesn't give an actual reason for this.

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Edited on 22/05/15 by Eli (#58378)

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 13:56:32
I just use a private window for my side account that way I can have both open at the same time

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Tortuga (#54751)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 15:41:54
I don't understand what you're trying to suggest. How would it work, what would linking different things do, can we get any details? You need to be thorough and detailed when you make suggestions, or no one will understand.

Despite that, no support for linking accounts.

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