Posted by Sort lionesses by heat + more

Kagiatsumi ||Fite
me!!|| (#55989)

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Posted on
2015-05-26 07:04:00
I know, I know... you could just check each one of them to see how close they are to heat.. but that takes up a lot of time, right? i personally don't have a large pride but I know people who have over 40 lionesses who this would come in handy for.
i don't think it's hard to code.. but idk
i think we should also be able to organize by random..? i don't know what to say for this one.. there would be a 'random' button which puts them in random places :p

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Shineira (side) (#55037)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-26 07:42:31
Adding my 5cts to this thread.

Keeping track of heats isn't too much of a problem for most people, even those with a lot of lionesses. With your fav lionesses you're going to know sort of when they hit heat because hey, you're probably going to look at their page about once a day or at least once every few days for playing or whatever.
When you get a more stable core group of lionesses, you're also going to somewhat see the order in which go into heat. Lioness X just went into heat? Then Lioness Y and Z will be in heat soon too.

But even IF there's an organization mode ranking by how soon they'll be in heat, you're still going to have to click their page and see exactly how many days. If anything, a better solution in my opinion would be to have a little number in the listing showing the days left.

And even without all this, there's 3 days of heat. As far as I can tell, most people usually have studs planned for their fav lionesses days before they go into heat.

But the random organization button just... why? What's the use?

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