Posted by Cool new ideas
Thunderstrike (#24877)

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2015-05-28 04:55:07
I love the new nest update, and I think that some new features that have to do with pregnant lionesses as well as mother lioness and Cubs will make game play even more fun and realistic.

Idea 1:
trading and chasing pregnant lionesses will:
.Help with the the unwanted cub problem
. Give more realistic gameplay by Making pregnant lionesses able to move to different prides
. Make having Cubs more fun because it is a surprise what Cubs your going to get.

Idea 2:
claiming pregnant lionesses and lionesses with Cubs in explore will:
.Help find chased lionesses good homes
.offer more opportunities in explore
. Option to attempt to kill Cubs- 5 karma in explore
.Option to attempt chase Cubs in explore
.Option to claim mother and pregnant lionesses +4 karma
.Option to aid mother and pregnant lionesses +4 karma
. Option to attempt to steal a cub -4 karma
Idea 3:
The Ability to have lionesses separated from young Cubs or have young Cubs adopted will:
.Help with unwanted lion problem
.Make the game more realistic by having the option to have a lioness adopt or abandon cubs
. Help introduce cub mortality if ever added
.allow for more flexibility for players as well as giving them more options for breeding and gameplay
. Give more options during explore
. The option to adopt orphan Cubs in explore
.The option to kill orphan Cubs-5 karma
. The option to play/ aid orphan Cubs + 4karma
. Allow for a new in game feature a Lioden cub orphage

These are just some ideas and I would love to hear yours. If you have any ideas or questions please comment

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Edited on 30/05/15 by Thunderstrike (#24877)

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