Posted by Icon Position and Den Organization

Dolcetto (#11395)

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Posted on
2015-05-29 13:25:48
Okay, so looking at my den it drives me kind of crazy looking at this mess.


Everything is all over the place and it just looks terrible and disorganized. The names are all over the place because the icons come before the names! That means that if it's two or three icons, (IE; Nest, Heart, Level Up Arrow), it looks just terrible.

But the following might look a lot better to most people!


The icons coming after the names makes it look more organized. That way, all cubs names start after (cub) and are aligned which makes identifying nursing cubs easy at a glance. And all non-nursing members have their names aligned, too, so it's pleasing to the eye!

Please support this so that dens can look more organized and the layout will be less jumbled-looking. Thank you!!

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