Posted by create new catagory of fertility

Zia (#60468)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-06-08 13:50:32
this is my first game development suggestion, so please give it a chance. If someone proposed this before then sorry I haven't played long and wouldn't know.

So I found a male I wanted to breed one of my females with and I started searching through my den to find one that would work well. As I was looking at Ferra I finally realized that she is very low fertility (I just started and I don't know the fertility of most of my lionesses, plus shes just so gorgeous all I can think is how in the world did I find her as an NCL). Of course I got really excited because not only had I found a gorgeous fiery-based white-eyed NCL, but she was low fertility too! mutation cubs! =) So I excitedly checked her fertility, and.............

shes 48%

I looked it up and found out that very low fertility actually encompasses 1-50%, and that doesn't fit in my opinion.

People are breeding like crazy for mutations, and up until now I assumed all the talk of very low fertility meant the category was 1-20%.

50% of the scale seems like too big of a gap for one category, and so I propose that a new one be added. Looking at the numbers on the fertility scale, I'm guessing that it was originally made with high fertility in mind, as there are way more levels of fertility between 50%-100% then there are between 1-50%.

current system: ( total # of percentages in each category):
Goddess = 100% (1 percentage point)
High = 90%-99% (9 percentage points)
Good = 80%-89% (9 percentage points)
Average = 70%-79% (9 percentage points)
Low = 51-69% (19 percentage points)
Very Low = 1%-50% (50 percentage points, or half the scale)
Infertile = 0% (1 percentage point)

so the new one would look something like:
low: 51-69% (19 percentage points)
pretty low: 25-50% (25 percentage points)
very low: 1-24% (24 percentage points)

some benefits:
-I assume when trying to stud, those who don't like to breed to very low fertilties may not even see the percentage, so a lionesses 40-50% who aren't half as hard to sucsessfully breed to then a 10% would get passed up

-people buying lionesses for low fertility wouldn't have to hope that they weren't getting a good deal, as they might spend sb or even gb on a "low fertility" lioness, only to find that shes above the potential mutation percentage and they got ripped off

comments? suggestions? free candy? offer them up

This suggestion has 10 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/06/15 by Rebecca (#60468)

Isabella Lena (#49545)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-06-25 16:44:30

Already sugested

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