Posted by Comprehensive solution to inactive accounts

Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2015-06-12 22:29:30
There are similar sorts of suggestions around, but they are either a bit vague or are tied into other suggestion.

First of all (no idea if this is even do-able) main and side account would have to be linked somehow so activity on one account registers as that 'player' so both accounts register as belonging to an active player.

When a player is inactive (not signing on to either account) for a suitable period of time (maybe two years?) their account is deleted or alternatively just floated for deletion (the account stays until the devs decide they need more space on the servers, then the account is deleted.) Similar system to the 'Flag for deletion' of threads.

If a player plans to be away for a significant period of time they would flag their accounts as being on hiatus which would mean that their account would not be recognized as being inactive for a much longer period (maybe 10 years?) before it is deleted/flagged for deletion. Logging on during this period should come with a pop up on whether the player would like to keep or remove the hiatus status.

If a player wishes to downsize or is planning on permanently leaving they should have the option to delete their individual accounts. Entering their password and completing a security question would be a buffer against deletion if the account is hacked. There could be a 'cooldown' period of about 2 weeks were a player could log back in and cancel the deletion process. a warning email could also be sent as another level of security in case of hacks.

Deleting an account should be a privilege, so if an account/player has received a warning they should have the option to delete their accounts removed. If they have received a game ban their accounts should be stripped, and their king name blanked. The accounts however remain so that their IP/Email is still registered as belonging to an account and so they are blocked from making new accounts.

Additional Refinement:

A warning email sent before deletion occurs (Thanks #53841)

Automatic extension of inactivity deadline (to something redonkulous like 50 years), or complete removal of the possibility of you account being deleted if you have spent real money buying GB (you guys have supported the continuation of the site, you deserve it)

An account with no pride (just a king: no lionesses, submales or cubs) will be deleted after a much shorter period of (player) inactivity (maybe 3 months)
Alternatively, as some people claim an NCL then disappear, risk of a account being deleted could be based on how many days the person was actually active. If the number of days between joining and last active is less than a week (or maybe less, like 3 days) they then only have the 3 months before the account is deleted and the king name is available again.

Deleting accounts would free up space and lion names. An error message could pop up if a trade/transfer is being sent to a deleted account, which would reduce ID number typing accidents a bit.

This is similar to what is already in place on another game I play (though there an account can be deleted after 4 months of inactivity). I won't expand it to issues like studs and trades as there are other topics for them already. Please give feedback if you don't support!

12/8/15 a HTML error occurred so I had to rewrite sections :S

This suggestion has 114 supports and 23 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/08/15 by Meso -Rotting Carcass Master- (#49519)

Midnighteh {Tree
Guardian} (#31869)

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Posted on
2015-06-13 15:50:46

Good suggestion! I find it annoying how you want a specific name for your lion only to find out that someone else has that name - and they haven't played in 1 1/2 years .-.

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Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 12:48:42
if this is accepted and put in place retro-actively all those accounts not accessed in over a year should vanish instantly! I dream for that day....

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Torquil (#53504)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 13:39:18
I'm going to have to say no support.

I'm a floater in terms of games. I'll disappear from some, and return several years down the line. Having to start over from scratch is what makes me turn away, and not come back. In fact, one of the sites I remain the most loyal to has my loyalty for the fact that there is no sort of account deletion. I've been a member of their community for ten years now.

In addition, this is an ID based game. Deleting accounts would cause holes in the ID chain. I also don't agree with self deleting accounts. It would make it a lot easier for a player to escape a bad account (excessive warnings or illegal activity), versus having to swap out IPs and take on a different guise.

I feel accounts should remain permanently. I'm not against a name flagging suggestion, where if they're inactive, the name becomes available, but I believe accounts should be left alone.

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Hayden (#62381)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 13:42:16
I have to also say no support.

I tend to sway from game to game, especially when they start lacking excitement, and I like returning when the game gains a bit of it back. So I tend to go offline for years just out of blue and when I return, I'd like my things to be where they were.

Now I do think that the name should become available. Wipe the name to ----- or something along those lines for that to become open once more, as a name can be changed whereas all a person's hardwork can not be returned should it be deleted.

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Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 14:08:54
I have noticed that many players here do tend to drift on and off. I'm a bit of a log on freak because of the other site, but @Torquil and Red Snow, do you plan on leaving for a while or is it a more spontaneous thing?
(admittedly the hiatus idea would only really work if 'leaving for a while' was a planned event)

@Torquil. the ID chain need not be broken if the account is just blanked and registered as not-accessible. For example the account would still show up in the friends section of their friend's pages but the links would lead to blank pages, pages unable to accept transfers/more friend requests/messages.

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Hayden (#62381)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 14:27:41
For me it tends to be a purely spontaneous thing. I like to one day play something and the next day not even bother with logging on or even completely forgetting for a long time about something . Honestly, there is literally no reason to delete an account that a person may or may not put work into over a name when the name could just be blanked out and changed should the person decide to return

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Veso (#61752)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 15:32:50
No support for reasons stated above. I've stopped playing games for various reasons (life getting in the way in various forms) but I'll still return to games when I can. I stopped playing Lioden for two years before I came back more permanently. I didn't make a thought-out decision to stop playing. It just happened. Now I'm a paying player where I wasn't before.

If my account had been deleted (here or on any other site) it would have shown that the site doesn't even deserve me giving it another go. The site purposefully deleted my account simply because my life didn't allow me to reach its arbitrary standards, so why should I waste my time giving it a second chance now that I have time I can spare again?

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Lion Tamer (#48364)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 15:40:41
In theory, it's a good idea. In practice, it is not. Sorry, no support.

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kellee (#5213)

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Posted on
2015-06-14 15:49:28
It's theoretically a good idea, but is server space really that big of an issue?

I spontaneously come and go too. I'll forget to log on one day and I'll just keep forgetting for months, years even. I took a "break" for over a year from this site just because I forgot to log into it. I'd be rather upset if I lost all of my lion data. Not only that but I donate quite a bit of money to the site, it'd feel like a burn to me personally if that happened.

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Edited on 14/06/15 by kellee (#5213)

Palecat5 (#7948)

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Posted on
2015-06-15 06:04:36
No support. I leave games and come back. It can be under or over a year. I would be very mad if this was added. I've spend real money on this site. If my account was deleted I would not make a new account or spend money on here again.

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Tiger's Eye ♆ (#53841)

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Posted on
2015-06-15 06:08:10
I've thought about this before, and I think that emails should be send to the registered user a few months before termination (so maybe when they've been inactive for 10 months) just telling the user that if they don't log in before *insert date* their account will be terminated. So people at least have notice

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Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2015-06-16 18:11:07
I've added a refinement section for people's ideas. I've added yours Akrasiel!

Personally I'm against names being blanked if people are inactive. I will probably take breaks in the future from this game and I don't want my king to be renamed (admittedly I plan my breaks so a hiatus sort of thing would be perfect for me). All the proposals I have seen about removing king names have been quite restrictive or only targeted at people who set up accounts but never played.

@kellee: I don't think server space is much of an issue at the moment but it may be a concern in the future....but then maybe it already is an issue. Decors on dynasty kings were removed because of concerns over server space weren't they?

Edited: spelling

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Edited on 17/06/15 by Meso (#49519)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-06-16 20:43:13
No support. Such suggestions were made so many times.
The reason why accounts are not deleted is because otherwise it would be all too easy to banhop. Those who are banned need to keep being banned. Those who were warned before should keep their warning tied to their account. Now imagine if these people could just delete their accounts or their account is deleted after a while, then they can just come right back and start with no warnings or bans.

Plus I myself like to go from games. Sometimes I feel like not coming back and vanish for a year or more. I can even forget about an account on games for years. I was on another browser game and havent been online for a year. I went back to go on but found they deleted my account. I stayed away, disappointed and never went back. I know you said there would be a 'flag for hiatus' button but not everyone would be able to click on it or forget that it even existed.

Plus what about those who -for one reason or another- lost their internet connection? Or they are banned from Lioden by their parents? These people would come back to their accounts having been deleted?

I do agree however that lvl1 rolled lions that were inactive for a year should be deleted. These people wont lose anything if their lions were deleted. Except, if GB was spent on that account.

But I dont agree with names being taken. Just be creative for Lord's sake or add a tag. People who picked the name before you have the right to keep it. End of story. I myself would be super angry if I came back to someone stealing my name because they liked it.

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Edited on 17/06/15 by Axel (#6627)

Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2015-06-17 10:59:46
Multiple accounts are recorded through IP addresses, so couldn't warnings and bans be linked to them instead of accounts? From what you said Axel it sounds like warnings and bans are isolated to the account and not to the player who may have 2 accounts anyway.

I'll think about some way to refine my idea in regards to bans though

Edit: I've worked up a new section about bans. The suggestion is getting more comprehensive all the time :) please keep the well thought out comments coming!

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Edited on 18/06/15 by Meso (#49519)

Brooke(*Frozen Till
May)! (#49097)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-28 10:59:00
I Agreed With Meso But if they delete their account they should be able 2 make a new one though!:)

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