Posted by Better Roleplay
Randomen (Activeness
erratic) (#63004)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-19 01:46:01
If you've ever been on WCRPG, which I know is a site almost completely about role-play, instead of having to type in the HTML, they just have buttons you press and it automatically gives you the right code for links, images, bold text, italics, spoiler alerts, etc. Also, you have the choice of a template, which is shown below.


As well as templates, they have signatures, which are things that appear at the bottom of every post you make. They can have text, banners, images, links, etc.


This is just to enhance the role-play experience. I've never coded before, so I don't know how hard it is, and I apologize for suggesting something that isn't as possible as I think it is.

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