Posted by Great Wolf Migration - Sign ups - CLOSED

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 08:50:25
Read This
This is a literate, realistic roleplay. Correct grammar and punctuation must be used at all times, and every post must have at least a paragraph (four sentences). I will require a sample from you to make sure you are up to standard. This roleplay aims to provide a space where experienced roleplayers can enjoy themselves, although if you are up to standard I won’t reject first time roleplayers.

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The Start of the Roleplay – Formation of Remington's pack


You are a wolf. You are part of a proud lineage of canines able to survive both alone and together. You rule any kingdom you enter. You make other animals cower in fear. They scurry out of sight when you appear. You hunt, you run, you feed you grow. You are a pack.

The day starts like any other. You wake up, yawn, and stretch. Your tail curls over your head as your back clicks, and you stand up. The forest is coming to life around you, squirrels darting up and down trees, and families of rabbits poking their heads out of warrens to check for danger. The trees tower above you, their roots reaching deeper than you could ever dig. They exist as a constant in the ever changing wilderness. You know they will always be there, just as your pack will always be by your side, running as one entity.

The first sign of trouble comes from the skies. You look up curiously at the sound of an endless stream of birds flying above you. They’re all heading in one direction, away from the forest. Your head cocks to the side in confusion. At long last the massive flock of birds passes, and then…nothing. Not even a single sparrow passes in the sky, and the forest has fallen silent. Feeling uneasy, you trot away from your pack’s den site to investigate.

Suddenly everything is moving, the ground shaking beneath your paws. Frightened, you bolt. As your world comes crashing down around you, trees once sturdy as mountains falling with booms that resonate your very core. When everything finally calms down all that remains of your forest, your kingdom, is a few, small, young trees. Mind on one thing, you sniff out your pack’s den site. You stand there, horrified, staring at the large tree trunk covering where your pack were sleeping only a short time ago.

Heart broken, you turn away. This is where your journey begins...


After the great earthquake that destroyed the large forest home of the wolves, crushing many animals and separating families, the surviving wolves left their old home. Rumours of a large valley encircled by forested mountains, with a lake situated in the very centre, spread amongst the remaining wolves. As they left the forest they came together, forming a new pack from the remains of their old ones, all with a single goal in mind; to reach the Valley of Hope. Thus, their migration to this new paradise began.


You are one of the wolves that survived the great earthquake. You have left the forest and are heading to the rumoured Valley of Hope. This roleplay is about the journey you make, and the formation of the pack, before you finally reach the Valley. Reaching the Valley will not happen quickly, nor will it be easy.

Current Plotline – The Rival Pack
(All joining members will join this plotline)

You are a member of Shadow’s pack. Shadow is a cruel alpha who fought his way to the top, and his pack follow his lead. You live on a stone plateau high up in the mountains, a large cave on one side making your pack’s den and a view on the other side over your flat, grassy hunting plains at the bottom of the mountain. In the distance you used to be able to see a forest, but that was flattened by the earthquake. Now, a small pack of unrelated wolves has entered your hunting grounds. Trespassers are not taken lightly here and you will follow Alpha Shadow’s instructions to either attack in two waves when they sleep or stay behind and look after those not able to fight. You will be leaving the pack to join Remington’s, and you have your own reasons for this.

Roleplay Rules

The usual no god modding/powerplaying etc
Follow lioden rules
Ranks indicate what your character is best at, not the only job they are allowed to do. The exception to this is alpha and beta as none of the other pack members may stand in for these wolves.
The first alpha, male or female, will be decided by me out of the first few who wish to apply for it. Alpha must be an active roleplayer.
Alpha’s mate will be decided in rp.
All other positions will be decided in rp, no exceptions.
Ask my permission before your female comes into heat.
You may have up to four pups in your litter, provided you can find roleplayers for them all that I approve of.
Write ‘Rusty <3’ in other
If the alpha is gone the beta is in charge.
If the beta is gone the pup sitter is in charge (after all pups are the future of the pack and must be protected at all costs).
Omegas are lower ranked than pups and on the fringe of the pack, eating scraps and acting as punching bags for training adolescents.
The pack will listen to the command of whoever is in charge.
Hunting anything bigger than a fox will require more than one wolf and must take place over multiple posts. No hunting large prey within the space of a paragraph; that’s not how fast realistic hunting takes place.
Any member of the pack may take a mate.
You may have two characters. After I've seen how well you keep up in rp you may ask to be allowed a third character.
The maximum age your character can live to is 20 years old. This is the absolute maximum and is very rare. Most of your characters should live to about 13 years old.


Name –
Age –
Sex –
Appearance –
Personality –
Biography (including your character’s role in Shadow’s pack) –
What role would your character be best in in Remington’s pack? –
What are your character’s reasons for leaving Shadow’s pack? –
Other –
Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –

Remington’s Pack Ranks

Alpha male (one allowed)
– Remington, played by Nature Paw (#64491)
Alpha female (one allowed)
- Velvet, played by Rusty [MP] (Quad celestial) (#39276)
Beta male (one allowed)
- decided in rp
Beta female (one allowed)
- Kade, played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Nova, played by Astral (#65000)
Lead Hunter (one allowed)
- Dakota, played by NightSky01 (#52637)
- Raoula, played by Samba CC (Lilac Love) (#28104)
Elders (over 10 years old)
- Rivers, played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
Pup Sitters
Pups (under 2 years old)
- Glenn (not born), played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Current (not born), played by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)
Loners (not part of the pack)
Unranked (rank will be assigned through rp asap)

Shadow’s Pack Ranks
Any wolves listed without players can be thought of as NPCs that I control
Alpha male
- Shadow
Alpha female
- None
Beta male
- None
Beta female
- Ezrin, played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Whirlwind
- Ajax, played by (Cas) JayKat The Hoodie Whore (#41384)
- Lynx, played by Astral (#65000)
- Hazel
- Twist, played by (Cas) JayKat The Hoodie Whore (#41384)
- Kova, played by Astral (#65000)
- Stryker, played by played by NightSky01 (#52637)
- Fang
- Kaeva, played by Windsparkle (#16196)
- Vulcan (future omega or scout), played by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed

If you need to take a hiatus from the rp then let me know and I will list you as loner and your wolf can disappear from the pack for a bit. Then whenever you come back your wolf can reappear and work for a rank again. Real life gets in the way for everyone sometimes, but if you've rped with us you're always welcome to bring your character back ^^

Main RP Thread
Hunting Thread
Art Thread
Poll Thread
Character Sheets Thread

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Edited on 20/01/16 @ 18:11:00 by Rusty [Skyward 3.4k stat 3cel] (#39276)

Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 20:32:01
Name – Raoula
Age – 4 years of age
Sex – Female
Appearance – Raoula is a slim, taller than average grey she-wolf. Her fur is perfectly grey, the same shade from nose to tail, and her eyes are a deep amber. She has a tracery of subtle scars left over from her puphood, including a scar across her shoulders and a missing tailtip.
Personality – Raoula is a calm and steady wolf. She is always there to solve problems or do duties when needed. She is gentle and even if she would like to hurt another wolf, she doesn't have the physical strength to hurt them very badly. She hopes to one day become a healer, and heal herself when she gets injured or sick. She especially likes chasing red squirrels, and can leap and run fast due to her slim build. The only thing she really fears is strange wolves. She panics when around them, knowing they could easily attack her.
Biography – Raoula was born on May 13th, 4 years ago. She was born in the middle of a blizzard, with three siblings, and was the only one of her litter to survive. The other pups died of cold soon after they were born. Only Raoula managed to stay warm enough to last through the blizzard. She wasn't particularly strong, and was often pushed about and bullied by wolves older than her. It was a long time before she learned to assert her place at a kill, and even then she usually didn't get the best meat. However, the other wolves soon realised she could easily be relied upon to do any work that needed done, so they stopped bullying her for a while and began treating her as a worthy member of the pack.
Raoula's father defeated the leader-wolf in her third year, and became leader himself. Recognizing Raoula as one of his pups from an earlier litter, he promoted her and made sure she got good treatment by other wolves. She became a scout, and was well suited for the task, as she was a fast runner and had keen eyes.
When the earthquake came, she was out hunting hares on a slope. She never saw any of her pack again, but managed to survive the earthquake and went back to the dens. There was no wolf there, and she found a dead wolf lying on the ground. She struck off on her own then to try to survive, before hearing a rumor of a valley surrounded by forested mountains, with a lake in the very centre. She went to find the valley, and on the way teamed up with the other wolves t find it safely.
Would you like to be considered for Alpha? –I guess. I think she would be more suited for Scout, or maybe pup sitter. She might make an okay Alpha though. You can consider her if you think she would be a good Alpha.
Other – Rusty<3
Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –

Raoula stalked along the prey trail. The grass underpaw was flattened, and the scent of deer, rabbit and squirrel clung to it. They had all passed this way, of that the she-wolf was sure. Her belly grumbled, reminding her that it had yet to be filled. Her fur was grimy and matted, and she was so thin one could count her ribs. Still she was watchful and alert, head turning this way and that as she scented the air. She kept going, plodding with one paw in front of the other, following the scent. The strong tang of pine filled her nostrils, and she left the trail to enter the trees, knowing red squirrels, her favorite prey, favored these trees. She broke into a fast trot as the scents grew stronger, then slammed into the ground suddenly, seeing red fur through the trees. She began to stalk like cat, one paw in front of the other, slinking furtively closer.
When she was close enough, she exploded out of the bushes, propelling herself forward with her back legs. The squirrel was running before it had time to think, but Raoula overtook it, reveling in every bound and stretch of her legs. She extended her neck to bite the squirrel, but it leaped up a tree, climbing wildly. Raoula launched herself after it, making a spectacular leap to bring it down. She gripped it's neck, seizing it and tearing it from the tree. It let out a shrill squeal before she bit down on it. It went limp in her jaws and Raoula crouched down, prey between her paws, gulping down the kill.

(May I ask where this is set in the world? Like, what country? So I know what animals I can include in my posts lol)

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 20:51:16
Wow, this has gathered a lot of interest while I was asleep :P

Nature Paw - he sounds like a gorgeous wolf! You're accepted, and I'll consider him for alpha
Exodus - I'm sorry but there is no reserving of ranks. They will be assigned by the alpha shortly after the pack has formed. For now, everyone except omegas, lone wolves and pups will be listed as undecided. Your character is accepted though. I love seeing the failed hunting attempts before finally succeeding, a very nice touch ^^
Valentine - your character sounds interesting. So long as you fill in a form I'll consider accepting
Sanctuary - the wolf cannot have any colours not naturally found on canines, if that's what you're referring to
Mid - you need to be able to keep up with the standard others have if you join. I'm much more interested in seeing people in the RP who spend time on their responses and have a nice, padded out response, rather than those who type out a small paragraph every half an hour, responding to every single post by another person
Neph - accepted :3
Ocean - also accepted, loving your character's bio
Astraia - accepted ^^ however from your post it seems you didn't fully get what I meant. The earthquake happened in a large forest. The Valley is the place they all know of but have never seen. They're going to be travelling with the hopes of finding it :P
Green - The length of your sample isn't at the same standard as everyone I've accepted so far. Also you aren't using correct grammar, including speech marks. There is no evidence that you read the rules either. Sorry but I can't accept you based on that form
Samba - accepted, love that she brought down a realistic prey size :3 I hadn't given much thought to where it was set, but probably somewhere in Russia since I picture the Valley looking something like this

Thanks for all the interest guys, very excited about this ^^

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{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 20:58:06
Sorry, but I won't be joining; I'm a bit sick and I'm pretty sure that stressing to reply to this RP won't help me much :( but I wish you luck with this RP, though! This is a really good RP and plot and I hope it goes well. I actually may subscribe to the RP thread and read the posts, see how this goes :p

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 21:15:39
Mid - I hope you get better <3

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 21:38:00
Thanks for accepting me! :)

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-02 23:03:21
Thank you for the acceptance and will be super excited once this starts up! The picture you have showed of what you imagine it to be like is gorgeous and think you should roll with it!

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 23:06:07
Name – Lyall (meaning protector wolf)
Age – 3 years of age
Sex – Male
Appearance – A very large, muscular red-colored wolf with black tipping to his fur. He has clear amber-orange eyes, white paws, and white husky marks on his underside. He has a white chest, underbelly, throat, and chin, and a larger-than-average ruff of fur around his neck.
I Am Stronger, Faster, More Intelligent
Lyall is a very assertive wolf who will always walk with his head up and high steps. He is a brave, highly protective wolf who will never allow his emotions to get in the way. He simply sweeps them to the recesses of his mind. He is highly intelligent, able to work out situations most others could not. He enjoys leading, following his own orders, however he does not protest if there happens to be a wolf over his ranking. He is very confident, and never appears unsure. He has a positive outlook on life, however will not rush into hopeless situations. He has his pride, but he would never risk the lives of pack mates or loved ones for it. He can be harsh at times, but he is kind at heart and usually sees the best in everyone. He pushes them in their weak spots, however, to make them better all around.
Things Here Are Not What They Appear
Lyall was born outside of pack law. His father mated a lone female wolf. When the pups were born, their mother begged their father to raise the pups in his pack. They knew the pups were unlikely to survive with their mother, so the father agreed. When he brought the three young ones into his pack, the wolves were disgusted. How could their own beta breed with a loner? The father was appointed omega for his treason, and his pups were to become omegas when they came of age. This promise was kept for the two female pups, however the Alpha soon recognized Lyall's strength and spirit, as well as the intellect he had acquired from his loner mother. The leader took to training the young wolf to be a leader, however on the day Lyall was meant to take the old wolf's place, the earthquake struck and all of his pack was killed. He wandered for many days before finding a new group of wolves, and hopes to show his leadership skills in great strides.
Would you like to be considered for Alpha? – Yes, I would indeed.
Other – Rusty <3
Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –
Lyall lets out a deafening snarl, his eyes bright with anger and malice. Another pack had invaded his own pack's territory, and they had to pay. He launches his huge, muscular body at the pack's Alpha, colliding into the smaller wolf like a freight train. The Alpha, unbalanced, falls to the ground with a grunt. Without missing a beat, Lyall snaps his huge jaws down on the wolf's front right leg, snapping it in several different places. The wolf howls in agony, but Lyall wouldn't let this wolf get away with only a broken leg. The wolf rears on his hind legs, bringing his full weight crashing back down onto the other pack's leader. Quite a few audible snaps were heard as the wolf's ribs fracture and snap. Another pained scream comes from the canine's lips, whining ensuing. Lyall snorts, growling low in his throat. "Weakling. You aren't fit to be an Alpha if you can't protect your own pack." He kicks the whimpering wolf, and turns away, leading his victorious pack back into the depths of the murky forest.

(I apologize if this appears slightly distracted. There's a huge auction going on just down the street, so my dogs are barking. And then two of my cats decided to fight >.>)

Also, second character lol. This one's pretty much the complete opposite of Twist.

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Edited on 03/07/15 by JayKat [The Hoodie Whore] (#41384)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 23:09:26
I know that the fight may not be as realistic as you might prefer, but again, a bit distracted haha. I realize that even though he is a larger, stronger creature, he would still be injured in some way. I promise you that my actual fighting style is much more realistic ^^'

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Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 23:30:01
Thank ^^ and that's fine, I already got my form made but if you find a problem with anything pm me :3

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 23:59:51
Jaykat - I was a bit on the edge about whether to accept a wolf/dog hybrid or not, but I've decided to let him in :3

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 00:00:51
I'm submitting my character...finally XD

Velvet || Female || 4 || Undecided rank
Mod removed image due to lack of source.
Name – Velvet

Age – 4 years old

Sex – Female

Appearance – Velvet is a gorgeous grey pelted femme, with a stripe of white flowing over her entire underside. She has a dark brown mark over her head, flowing fully down the right side of her face and covering only her ear on the left side of her face. She has a few cream strokes, highlighting her face, making her brown eyes stand out. Her front legs are also half cream.

Personality – Velvet is a very confident wolf. Her beauty has attracted many suitors to her in the past, but she has turned each of them down as none has been the right male for her. She seeks a strong mate, one who has proven himself capable of protecting the pack she’s part of and any pups she may have. Velvet is a loving aunt, always playing with the pups and looking after them while the pack go about their jobs. While she is a very capable hunter and a decent scout, she won’t fight. In part this is because she doesn’t enjoy conflict, while in part it is so that she can retain her beauty and not have it marked by scars. She is a great listener, a very social being, and would suit a high position in the pack. Her greatest desire is to have pups.

Biography – Velvet’s past isn’t one of great interest. She grew up in a large pack in the forest, helping raise her nieces and rejecting lone males’ advances. After the earthquake her heart broke. She searches for a new pack, but is unsure she’ll ever be able to bring herself to be as attached to them as to her old pack. She often dreams of her younger siblings, and her nieces and nephews, whimpering as she sees them scatter from the den site, never to be seen again.

Would you like to be considered for Alpha? – She would be a very good alpha, but will only take the role if the pack has an alpha male who wants her as his mate. This is because the only way she can see herself becoming attached enough to a new pack to want to lead them is if her family is the one leading the pack. She is equally likely to find a mate in a strong member of the pack with a lower rank.

Other – Meeee <3

Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –
The grey pelted wolf moved almost silently through the forest, like a whisp of wind whirling over the undergrowth and around the trees. She trotted on graceful paws, scenting to air as she went. The hunters of her pack had returned recently, meaning she was now free to practise her own hunting away from the pups. Though she loved them all dearly, they weren’t exactly helpful when she was trying to stalk a small animal. They crashed through the undergrowth on paws giant for their bodies, clumsily following her with small barks and playful growls. Sometimes it was nice to get away and be able to hone her own skills.

Her dark ears perked up when the scent of rabbit hit her. Her tail started wagging as she ducked, creeping through the forest. Her heart began to race as she grew closer to the source of the scent. She licked her lips, excited at the thought of the chase. A bird called above her and she spared a glance up, spotting its nest in the tree. There was no hope of reaching that, eggs being a very rare delicacy to find given how high their parents make their nests, so Velvet continued along the scent trail of the rabbit.

Saliva began to collect in the wolf’s mouth as the scent grew ever stronger. She paused behind a bush, downwind of the source of the scent. Peeking over the top revealed rabbit droppings in the small space in front of the bush. There must be a warren in front of her, just out of sight. She crept around the side, pausing for a moment when she spied two young rabbits nibbling grass near the entrance of their burrow. Licking her lips, she prepared to pounce, when suddenly a high pitched voice broke the silence, and her prey darted into the safety of their hole.

”Auntie!” two squealing pups called, crashing into her back legs, ”We caught you auntie!” Rolling her eyes and letting out a fond sigh, she stood up straight and looked back at the pair. ”Alright you trouble makers,” she chuckled, ”You’re not supposed to be so far from home. Come on, let’s go back before your parents worry.” It seemed as though she wouldn’t be hunting today.

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Edited on 22/02/16 @ 17:01:23 by Katze (#20064)

Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-03 00:05:23
Nice Rusty! I like how you painted her marking onto a wolf picture haha creative!

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 00:29:25
Thanks :P I like to use visual aids ^^ The rp thread is almost ready to go up, so we should be able to start in a few hours (I need to go food shopping first)

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-03 00:43:38
YAY!!! super excited really ready for it to start! :D And ya same that's why I used some picture links to go along with my appearance description because sometimes my words can't describe something like I want it to, and plus some people might not know what Blue Merle is lol

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 01:24:01
Yay! I was unsure of whether to make him a hybrid, but larger sizes are difficult with wolves unless they're a hybrid of large dog breeds. I can just make him a rather large wolf instead if you like ^^' Especially since I doubt he'd be able to be a higher ranking. I'm just realizing this now because I'm not distracted nor am I half-asleep lol.

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