Posted by Suggestion: Collapse First Post

Sobie (#33695)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-07-26 05:26:40
I havn't seen a suggestion for this yet.

The first post of a topic is always shown at the top of every page, and sometimes they can be very lengthy. I suggest having the first post of a topic collapsed to a shorter amount, with the option to expand the post, on the rest of the topics pages.

Meaning, the first page of a topic would have the full post with it's full length, and the pages after would have the shortened version and some kind of spoiler tag to expand the post.

Mostly this would be a cosmetic thing; it's just kind of annoying on larger threads to scroll past a huge wall of text or pictures on every single page. Maybe make the limit by a word count or just a size limit? Like anything after 500 words/500px is collapsed or something.

RP pages would be shorter. News pages would be shorter. Sales pages would be shorter. Everything would look nicer.

Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Examples added:
(Drag to URL to make larger)

Just as an example, instead of THIS:

We have this:

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Edited on 06/09/15 by Sobie (#33695)

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