Posted by Edit wording on Pregnancy Lineart

Jen The Hedgehog (#60001)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-07-30 01:52:39
Currently the wording on the option to turn off the pregnancy lineart is very confusing as it's the opposite of what it should be.

"Disable Pregnancy Visuals on my Lions: Enabled" is what it needs to be set to to show the lineart but the wording means you are Enabling the disable function, i.e. switching the pregnancy lineart off. It would be less confusing if it was changed to "Show Pregnancy Visuals on my Lions"

This suggestion has 25 supports and 1 NO support.

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-09-28 06:26:33
I agree the wording is confusing. I do support that changing the wording would lead to less confusion.

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