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Posted by | Wild Colors |
![]() Tale (#67882) Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-10 06:09:55 |
This has probably been suggested before but I couldn't find a thread about it and I'm new; so my apologies in advance if this topic has already been discussed....Anyway, on with my suggestion... While playing Lioden I have noticed, while exploring the wilds, that only cream and gold colored lionesses appear available for claim. I have asked around (since I am a new player and only have a low level lion) and everyone else has found this too, even in the higher level areas. I feel like this is a little boring. It makes searching for pride members dull and repetitive. To make the game a little more exciting and to make claiming females a little more interesting I think any of the "common" colors (not the special ones, obviously) should be available to find in the wild. Now I understand that it would just be plain unfair if all colors had the same chance of appearing so I've thought of a solution to this too: section, level and impressiveness priority. For example: In the Temperate Savannah where there level 1 males can go there would be exclusively cream or gold lionesses, just like it is now, but in the Shrubland there would be... say... a 50% chance of cream, 45% chance of gold and 5% chance of red. Then it could go on and on like this where in the Tropical Forest there could be a 45% chance of cream, 45% chance of gold and a 10% chance of red; and in the Dry Savannah there could be 40% chance of cream, 40% chance of gold and 20% chance of red; then in the Rocky Hills there could be a 35% chance of cream, 35% chance of gold and 30% chance of red. After that the black color group could be added in. The Arid Desert could have: 35% chance of cream, 35% chance of gold, 25% chance of red and 5% chance of black, the Marshlands could have 30% chance of cream, 30% chance of gold, 30% chance of red and 10% chance of black, finally The Waterhole could have: 30% chance of cream, 30% chance of gold, 20% chance of red and 10% chance of black. Or something like this - it would ultimately be up to the programers to decide what they felt was fair to them, after all the game still needs to make money on things like custom lions (though that would be where the special pelt colors come in) Furthermore lionesses with a rarer pelt color could require higher levels of impressiveness to claim than cream or gold lionesses. On another note, I would also like to see more than just golden and brown mane colors available in the wild. Maybe they would consider adding in: black, cream and white (leaving the others to be custom only)? Thanks for reading and let me hear your opinions! - Tale |
X I O [divine trip.rosette] (#34167) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-10 21:22:56 |
No Support. If that were the case, we'd have the specials become a common. A lot of players (namely from leaderboards) are generally level 20+ with 1 or 2 at 60+. I generally wouldn't be fair if they were able to sell off the special bases and not let the blood line thin out within their pride then the footing between players would be unfair by a long shot. Not to mention, it would be harder for newbies to get a project started and may lead to players leaving/abandoning their accounts. In general, it would end up like a hierarchy with the higher/advanced lions getting the upper hand just by exploring. Yes, I know, they have to fight and work to level up, but after thats done, all they have to do is claim every lioness they encounter to get easy money from those without the base/marking. Also, NCLs are common as they are 'beginner' breeders. When conditions are right, the common bases can become another thing. Gold is often the target for this as there are apparently a lot of 'failed' Gold bases (bases that were supposed to be gold, but not). NCLs are also recorded to have produced rosettes, a thing that most 'senior' members still strive for. And since how 'popular' or 'rare' is the base is completely up to the players. I know I'm probably not right on all the points, but having a lucky player here and there isn't bad. ![]() Edited on 11/08/15 by :||W H I T E O U T||: (#34167) |
Tale (#67882)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-11 10:58:41 |
@Whiteout, personally I disagree. I think new players are more likely to abandon their accounts (or at least the exploration) when they realize they can't get anything better than gold or cream base colors. I can only speak for myself but I was very disappointed by this fact and already have lost a lot of interest in even looking at the wild lionesses that show up in my explorations. Why bother leveling up my impressivness if I never get anything better/worth fighting for? What is the point in exploring new territory if they are all (more or less) the same? How is it fair that all the experienced players get exclusive rights to the other colors when new members have to pay put the nose just to start a breeding project (which by the way isn't easy to do considering if you want nice colors then you need to go out and find a stud - which means more paying out the nose in some cases. My first lion is unlikely to ever father wanted cubs)? I'm not asking that they release the special bases and I'm not even asking it to be common... a very small chance of getting another base color or unique marking or different mane color gives new players something to work for - a reason to invest in even their first lion (since most of us don't have the GB to retire our king early all the time). ![]() |
X I O [divine trip.rosette] (#34167) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-11 13:13:37 |
Hey. We worked for it, infernal bases are availible on Halloween, and I forgot when Hallowed bases are up. You just have to work for it, even the older players do, sitting theere and complaining about them and not doing much of anything isn't going to help. I got my first few specials by using the market, it isn't THAT hard making GB without paying real money. And I feel like implanting this may lead to the players getting a hand over one another simply becaause they have a better chance at getting something than others. Having to buy and breed lionesses are what everyone is doing, it also makes the SB go around instead of toowards the wealthier members of LD who can afford all the coconuts and tortoises. ![]() Edited on 11/08/15 by :||W H I T E O U T||: I.R.I.S. (#34167) |
Carcin (#62967)
Notable Lion View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-11 16:21:09 |
I remember my first time on Lioden being quite the challenge, and I like it that way. I understand that starting out can be a pain, but if this is implemented, the players who have high impression levels (which isn't hard to get) and high experience (again, isn't that much of a challenge) would gain an advantage and sell off "special" base markings for high prices. The bases are only special because you have to cry blood to get them. I remember getting a marking item for fiery unders (my favourite marking) by spending tireless hours on Lioden hoarding goats to make sure floods happen to get dive beetles. And it felt pretty good. It's no fun if you get base coat and markings handed down to you (or in this case, sold to you) and if special coats keep getting sold, then what exactly makes them special? If you really would want special NCL markings, why not suggest markings that can ONLY be found on NCLs? And it doesn't have to be affected by level or things like that since that would be unfair. That way, there would be special bases that can be found only on NCLs and it won't create a disadvantage between older players, and younger players. ![]() |
LEAVING (#66178)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-11 16:22:38 |
Kamme [HM/Side] (#57143)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-11 16:46:15 |
I don't really consider myself a "senior" player, and I understand and remember your pain. Your idea is a good one, but I disagree, mostly on the principle of "If its not broken, don't fix it." NCL are beginner breeders; they aren't supposed to to be fancy colors. Plus, there is a chance to get a chased lioness in Explore, which might have the black or red base. I know I have found a few with such bases. Non-special red and black based lionesses aren't really that expensive or hard to find if you really look. The trading center and chatter are both full of red and black bases. Studs can be super expensive, I agree with you there. But you can find some pretty okay ones that aren't too bad. Lioden is a slow game to get started on, I understand. If you want, I would be happy to point you to some reasonable trades or help you out with tips and such. ![]() |
Tale (#67882)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-15 01:13:18 |
((Sorry for the delayed reply everyone, my computer died on me shortly after I replied the last time so I can only access the Internet on my phone and iPad. As you can imagine neither is really an effecting typing tool and they keep glitching when I try to post.)) @Whiteout, I wasn't aware there were ways of making GB without real money (other than providing a shop for other players; which is why i planned on opening an art shop when my computer is working again). I'm not tying to complain that the game is slow or even that I have to buy base colors. My complaint is that the lionesses found in the wild are repetitive and uninteresting - it makes people loose interest in even looking at the wild lionesses. Besides I don't feel that a few extra colors being available through in-game work is going to crash the market. In fact I feel like it may help spread the SB around. The lucky few members who find a rarer common base color would have an edge in breeding projects and an edge in the market, this is true, but the majority of people would still need to buy the bases that they want and would therefore still be speeding SB around. It might even help some lucky few new players to get established. Perhaps it would be better if I suggested significantly reduced chance percentages? Or even if I suggested limited black and red bases? Perhaps only: "black", "white", "brown", and "beige"? I'd even be happy with just "black" and "brown" or whichever pair of black/red, light/dark base colors the game producers felt comfortable with releasing. @Kamme; I was unaware that there was a chance to find chased lionesses, none of the other forms I looked into that talked about finding base colors in explore mentioned that. So that does make looking at lionesses more interesting. I think I understand the site for the most part (at very least in the most basic sense) but tips, tricks and help are always welcomed when I join a new site. ![]() Edited on 15/08/15 by Tale (#67882) |
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