Posted by Monkey Shop Sell Filter

Aslee (#55426)

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2015-09-03 04:46:45
This is a pretty simple suggestion, I feel. It's exactly what it says on the tin- I'd love a way to filter the items you can sell in the Monkey Shop by type. Or, at the very least, a button I can press that filters out certain types (like food!).

The main reason I would like this implemented is that the current system- i.e., the dropdown list -is not very friendly to anyone with vision problems, attention disorders, or, really, any condition that impairs reading skills. Sometimes I'll be scrolling through the list, looking to sell off a lion skull, but the words start moving around and all I can see is 'carcass, carcass, carcass'.

The bulk trade-ins is a little more accessible, but it can still get pretty confusing and eye-straining if you have too many kinds of items. Therefore, I think a simple type-filter would be enough to fix the problems, rather than reworking the entire system.

Of course, not only would this make the Monkey Shop more accessible, it would also be a feature that I think would be pretty handy for the average Lioden user!

This suggestion has 9 supports and 0 NO supports.

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