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Posted by | Pride takeover events in patrol |
caters (#65239) Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-15 08:16:10 |
1 thing that would be nice to include in patrol is pride takeover events. Since this is based off of the real life of lions this would be one of the additions that is likely to be implemented. It would have a screen similar to that of the battle screen in explore but it would be a little different. Here is how it would go: Your sub (Lion's name) sees another lion and hears him roaring. Options: Fight Ignore Call for help Fight option Fight: Your sub (Lion's name) decides to fight for the good of the pride. Then it would be similar to the battle screen in explore. Low health: Your sub (Lion's name) is about to give up. What should he do? Options: Call for help Continue fighting Call for help: Your sub (Lion's name) roars for help. Another sub (Lion's name) comes to help him. They fight and if the coalition has low health they can call for help again and so on as long as you have more than 2 subs. Continue fighting: Your sub (Lion's name) decides to continue fighting. Outcomes: Sub gives up Other lion gives up Sub gives up: Main male (Lion's name) now fights for the good of the pride. Other lion gives up: Your sub (Lion's name) has gained x stats and found y scattered silver beetles. Outcomes: Main male gives up Other lion gives up Main male gives up: The pride has now been taken over. All cubs are killed unless 1 or more of the lionesses are in heat. Other lion gives up: Your main male (Lion's name) has gained x stats, y experience, lost z energy, and found b scattered silver beetles. Ignore option Ignore: Your sub (Lion's name) decides to ignore the other lion and keeps on patrolling. The other lion goes back to his pride. Back to patrol? Call for help option Call for help: Your sub (Lion's name) realizes he can't do it alone. He roars. Another sub comes to him. They then fight together. Low health: The coalition is about to give up. What should they do? Options: Retreat Continue fighting (Only if you have more than 2 subs) Call for help Retreat: The coalition tells the main male (Lion's name) to fight for the pride. Outcomes: Main male gives up Other lion gives up Main male gives up: The pride has now been taken over. All cubs are killed unless 1 or more of the lionesses are in heat. Other lion gives up: Your main male (Lion's name) has gained x stats, y experience, lost z energy, and found b scattered silver beetles. Continue fighting: They think they can do it alone. They continue fighting. Outcomes: Coalition gives up Other lion gives up Coalition gives up: The coalition gives up. The main male (Lion's name) now fights for the good of the pride. Outcomes: Main male gives up Other lion gives up Main male gives up: The pride has now been taken over. All cubs are killed unless 1 or more of the lionesses are in heat. Other lion gives up: Your main male (Lion's name) has gained x stats, y experience, lost z energy, and found b scattered silver beetles. Other lion gives up: Your coalition has gained x stats and found y scattered silver beetles(This will spread the stats as evenly across the subs in the coalition as possible) Call for help: They need help from another sub. They roar for help. Another sub comes towards them and helps them fight. This can happen again and again as long as you have more than 3 subs. Sorry for the long post but it is mainly describing all the possible outcomes of the pride takeover events. This would add the notion of a coalition which is a group of 2 or more males. It would also make it easier to stat up your subs since they might not gain stats from patrol alone. I am free for any suggestions. Suggestions: If the main male does lose the cubs aren't killed. If the sub wins he gets the items and stats that he would have gotten from patrol |
Pasha (#5512)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-15 12:58:09 |
This sounds so cool! Since you can only really devotedly patrol one sub it would certainly create more of a purpose to having multiple subs! Admins seem wary about lion stats getting increased too much but I imagine if these increases were distributed across the different submales they'd be more supportive :) ![]() |
Roaming Savannah (#64740)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-15 13:24:52 |
Love the idea overall, got lost a little but I do see your point (Im a visual person, so its probably not your explaining, just my brain...). This would be an amazing addition in my opinion (Although i know it sounds there will be alot of coding involved), applying a game like this as best as you can to real life is perhaps the best way to make a game fun and intrsting (in my opinion), because for one you get to understand and learn about the struggles of a wild Lion's life (as to one in the zoo) a bit more. As well you may not get a ton of wins but thats great because that just makes you want to become of a higher level and beat it the next time around. Most of all I like how it makes the submale portion a little more meaningful and interesting then just sparring and patrolling, as well as more difficult. ![]() |
caters (#65239)
Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-15 13:40:29 |
Yeah, I do too. And yes there would be a lot of coding involved in these pride takeover events but it would make the game more interesting than it already is. ![]() |
Lieutenant Stabby | IO | LdT | (#35974) Devastator View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-15 13:59:38 |
"The pride has now been taken over. All cubs are killed unless 1 or more of the lionesses are in heat." Not so sure how I feel on that... I kinda like my cubs and I don't need to die 'cause my sub male lost in a fight. After all, a lot of people have breeding projects and such going on and they would kinda like the cubs they want to keep or need for those projects to be alive. I wouldn't too much on getting something small like a few beetles from a small fight my sub male has while patrolling, it would bring some more to patrolling (not sure on gaining stats from that though). I don't want to hit Ignore every time though to make sure I don't lose cubs. As for the lionesses in heat thing, is some random male going to breed to my girls???? I defiantly don't want that happening especially not for my high stats girls. I'm not working hard on them to end breeding to some random male and give me cruddy cubs. I think there needs to be a different ending if the males lose to this random lion. I feel like it should be more like how it is in the explore with your king. Except instead of losing energy, maybe the sub male had a longer cool down for losing (since he got beat up and would need more time to recover from a fight) or something like that. Just no killing my cubs or breeding to my girls >> As for gains for when the lion wins, maybe it's what the male would have gained after a patrol is now? Like now he either gains nothing or like a random 1 use carcass or a few stat points. So instead of finding the gazelle carcass, he finds a male lions, fights it, wins and as the reward for winning he get that gazelle carcass? ![]() |
KrisB {Phoenobias} (#64874)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-15 15:27:28 |
I'm with Lieutenant Stabby.... Kill my cubs without my consent? I'll kill any profit this site would make from my accounts. Just sayin' ![]() |
Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)
![]() Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-15 15:30:59 |
ummm neat idea aside from killing all my cubs. If that happened I would likely quit. ![]() |
caters (#65239)
Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-16 05:06:56 |
Well of course I didn't want it to be that every time the pride is taken over the cubs are killed because it isn't always that way when it comes to lions in real life. And often when not all the cubs are killed it is because 1 or more of the lionesses are in heat, thus distracting the pride male from the cubs and making him think that the cubs are his. And if you think that every time the sub or coalition looses, it will result in a pride takeover that isn't necessarily true because what if you have a very high stat main male or even a main male that is just is the 200-300 range of stats like mine is? This would lower the chance of a pride takeover because if the sub or coalition looses, the main male will try to beat the lion that is trying to take over the pride. And if your main male does lose, who knows? Maybe you will like this new lion better than the previous because of his stats or markings, even if he does kill the cubs. ![]() |
Lieutenant Stabby | IO | LdT | (#35974) Devastator View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-16 06:02:23 |
Not everyone has a decently statted king such as newer members. Newer members will mostly likely lose quite a bit during this and lose all the cubs they bought and bred that they want to keep. My 200+ king still does lose battles in the explore and this event would be like fighting explore males. I won't like the new lion better. I worked hard on my king Cadbury and I don't need my work to flush down the drain 'cause he lost in a battle. Many other people work really hard on their kings and their pride just like I do. No one would want their achievements just go down the drain because a battle. People put real time, effort and money into their pride, they wouldn't want to lose all of that hard work by losing one battle. I'm pretty sure the new male wouldn't be any better than my Brown Rosette with Cocoa Underfur king since those markings are special markings and can only be achieved through breeding and an a special event applicator. The males that will most likely appear if this was implemented would be NCL males, males that aren't that special. They would be just like the NCL males and lionesses in the explore, nothing special. They would be worse than my king in looks and stats and wouldn't benefit me at all. I have worked hard to get the pride I have today and I don't need some NCL ruining it for me. I will defiantly not like him if he's going to kill my cubs! Those cubs I spent time, effort and possible GB on. My statted cubs are defiantly up in GB range in the studs I've used to breed them. I've spent GB on studs to get nice markings to add to my pride. I spent plenty of beetles on buying lions to add to my pride and I do not need my beetles to go to waste 'cause a NCL lion killed them. If I wanted to kill my cubs, I would have just used the kill button on their page. ![]() |
caters (#65239)
Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 08:57:57 |
I understand what you are saying but because this also involves subs there will be a higher chance of winning the battle, even for people who have lions with 200 stats or less. And the fact that your sub/subs gain stats from this means that each one becomes easier and easier. It also makes it easier for 1 of your subs to become your heir. Achievements wouldn't be lost just because the battle is lost. Also this is based off of the real life of lions so it would be more likely to be implemented than the most frequent ideas posted. ![]() |
Daoying (#70883)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 09:34:27 |
The formatting of your post is a bit confusing since it's all spread out. But I get the basic gist of it. I like the idea because it gives something to do for the sub-male lions, besides normal patrolling, and adds another feature to play with to pass the time. One thing for certain I do not like about this is the killing of cubs. "All cubs are killed unless 1 or more of the lionesses are in heat." Awhile back I've had a handful of lionesses give birth and I had close to a 20+ number spike for the cub section. Losing all of those cubs would suck big time, for profits, for my own personal gain and other reasons. Especially for those who like to breed their lionesses. Not to mention a lot of people buy cubs more often than lionesses/lions. So what would be the point of adopting/buying new cubs if they're just going to be killed off in patrol? I have over 30 cubs in my current den. Which is more than I have lionesses. And if I was to lose all of those because of a patrol feature, you bet your pride that I would be livid. So while I support the idea of sub-males doing something else than just patrol, I do not like the killing of my cubs. Een if the sub-lions are all defeated and the main male, too, the lionesses aren't damsels in distress who can't protect their own or defend their pride. In the wild, it's mainly the lionesses that do most of the work. Hence also why they get to "hunt" while sub-males "patrol" in Lioden. So even if the sub-males and main lion are defeated, lionesses are extremely protective of their young and are very territorial. If a lion did try to get in, the lionesses wouldn't allow that. Especially if they're aiming to murder all the young. So I'm completely against that factor because it's not just the main and sub males in the pride. If anything, I would suggest that the sub-males lose their loot -- if any -- from the patrol, mood -- caused by disappointment in themselves or failing their king -- and maybe some hunger -- because of exertion -- instead of killing off all the cubs in the den. Mainly because if you kill off all the cubs, the chances of people patrolling or supporting this feature decreases significantly and it'll just screw up a lot of the market and a lot of people would not be happy with this feature. Another problem is that sub slots are pretty pricey for new members. 500SB for the first and second slots, 4GB for the third, 8GB for the fourth. A lot of beginners can't afford the first slot, let alone the second, third or fourth. And beginner lions (first roll) have pretty bad stats, too. Two of my three sub-males have 400+ stats but the third barely hits 100. And my main lion's stats are pretty embarrassing, too, since he's my first King. So even if a beginner did manage to get a sub-male slot, I doubt they'd have a lion with impressive stats at first. So it would just cause them to lose more than they gain. So even if this feature was put in, it would need a lot of tweaking in order to be moderately acceptable by the community. Not just because of the cubs but if you want it to be realistic, then you also have to tie in the lionesses being able to protect the pride as well, and not just have everything rely on the sub-male(s) or the main male. ![]() |
Lieutenant Stabby | IO | LdT | (#35974) Devastator View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 09:49:29 |
^ Yes, great more explanation on this, Keixl. I agree. "Achievements wouldn't be lost just because the battle is lost. " Yes, they would be. You are proposing people to lose their hard earned work on their cubs and kings due to some random NCL coming by and taking over and the reasons that Keixl and I stated. "Also this is based off of the real life of lions so it would be more likely to be implemented than the most frequent ideas posted." Just because this is realistic doesn't mean it's more likely to be implemented necessarily. Realism is cool and all but there is a point of too realistic. I feel like this suggestion has hit the too realistic side. We may want realism in the game but we don't want it to fully realistic 'cause then it's not a game any more. ![]() |
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