Posted by Decorations for Trade Lions

🐧Laurel [G1
Magpie] 🫐 (#65209)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 04:30:47
I'm sure I'm not the first person to offer a valuable trade on a lion(ess), in part, because I like the decor s/he is presented with, and then am disappointed to find that while my offer was to cover the lion as presented, when I receive the lion they do not have their decor as they were in the trade.

It would be good to have it so when you list a lion with decor, you check a box to acknowledge that decors cannot be altered, added or removed while a lion is in trade, that they will be sold as presented.

To clarify, the person who listed the trade in question did send over the decor later and that was super nice of them, but I just think it would be convenient for both seller and buyer if such a button existed.

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Edited on 18/09/15 @ 11:41:28 by Helen Magnus (MFC Founder) (#65209)

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